The North American continent is under binding international treaty law, i.e., the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire, which superseded the organic Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 between the United States of America and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco. of A. and his "Moorish Leader's Historical Message to America" which was published in the Moorish Guide in 1928. It is the creation of a political. the holy koran of the moorish holy temple of science, chapter 25. take responsibility for, but they may suggest their dismissal to the Grand National Chairman in the event of serious misconduct. Unless you are a fervent student of Constitutional Law balanced with a good understanding of Metaphysics you may need to apply a more direct study to this constitutional Saving Powers brought expressly to free the rejected Moorish Peoples. Box 379594 - Chicago, Illinois 60637 Supreme Body - Grand Body Board of Trustees Powers and Duties :. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is then becomes the just right of the people to abandon it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on the Omnipotent Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. The word consul derives from the Latin word consulo which means 'to consult', because these officers consulted with the senate on administrative measures. There are no reliable figures available on the number of active Moorish sovereigns. The group refused to comply with officers commands, and some members scattered into the nearby forest. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. They may be nationals of either state, and generally they are made subject to the authority of the diplomatic representative of the state for which they act. You can try to dialing this number: (281) 406-0312 - or find more information on their website: 2. moorish american consulate. black racial groups of Africa do not exist anywhere in the known universe. It is the open pentagram that makes Our Flag is over 100,000 years old and should not be confused with the flag of present day Morocco who exchanged the divine Principles of L, T, P, F, & J for the Five Pillars of Islam in 1492. Mobile Merchant, Interstate. As if every other person believed in the same folklore born in the United States as they do, and like them, did not bother to read the actual definition of the term, given that officially. with the citizens of the United States, i.e., the foreign hybrid European colonists, there must be a consular jurisdiction available within the jurisdiction of either party to the Treaty in an event that there is a dispute or controversy per Articles 20 and 21 of such Treaty, which aver the following: Article 20. The last of the United States consular courts (Morocco) was abolished in 1956. On July 3, 2021, eleven members of Rise of the Moors, including its leader, were approached by a state trooper while their vehicles were stopped on Interstate 95 in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Islam. Learn how it works, and see h Aseer The Duke Of Tiers: Freemasonry Exposed!Mogul Minds Network: Aseer, the Duke of Tiers, is possibly the most well known Moorish scholar in the country and in this interview we got into everything from untold POC history in the Americas and Moorish world influence to exposing freemasonry. Identity and protection via the law leading the indigenous people into a new earth by new vision. Highest quality for the lowest cost. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 / 1836 between the United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire authorized the United States to exercise consular jurisdiction over American nationals (Moors) within the dominions of the Moroccan Empire (Morocco) whenever any citizen of the United States had a dispute or controversy with a Moor, and vice versa. Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land. The Moorish Americans have risen from the dust and is now that especial Nation. This is the reason why Allah, the Great God of the universe, ordained Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet, to redeem his people from their sinful ways. Enacted on 22nd August 2009,the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish Americais largely based on the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedon and Justice set out by our Great Father, Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali El Hajj (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) in his M.S.T. The Moorish Americans who are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom inhabited the northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa (Including the northwestern territories we now call the Americas) are in lawful pursuit of our actual freedom. Please CLICK on YeSharon to book a private consultation. Since 1929 the body of Moorish peoples whom, like their NBC equivalents, has not proclaimed their free national status, according to their Constitutional Government and have found themselves subjected to the same fraternal abuses and judicial mistreatments. An officer of a commercial character, appointed by the different states to watch over the mercantile [trade or commercial] interests of the appointing state and of its subjects in foreign countries. When so-called Negroes whom have used Slave Names, not knowing these labels are unacceptable, without worth and decry muster among the realms of free nationalized citizens; making Blacks, excluding Indians not taxed, as 3/5 of all other Persons, subjected to perpetual taxation without true representation as those Members under a Free National Descent Name: When the high diligence of honor and glory due for another siphons the contributions and accomplishments of a people then unjustly hoisted as their own; the credibility, trust and reliance are misplaced. This "Second Great Awakening" of the Divine and National Movement defined and manifested United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R. The prerequisites of 'due process of law' regarding any dispute or criminal complaint between any Moor and foreign occidental European colonist / citizen of the United States, for the enforcement of treaty rights and treaty obligations are enforceable under consular jurisdiction and venue; and both foreign jurisdictions are universally known at sea by which flag they fly in accordance with the 'Law of Flags' (page 574): In maritime law, the law of that nation or country whose flag is flown by a particular vessel. own relevant census. is co-trustee with the United States because of the Treaty, and Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of America. This is where the citizens of Moorish America, who are of one family bearing our one free National Name of Moorish American, received the authority to live according to The Divine Constitution of our free National Government. We Appreciate your visit! Use tab to navigate through the menu items. L, T, P, F, & J are the sacred values, holy philosophy and true tools of life of every Moorish Citizen. And our subjects do not enjoy the fruits of their labor in security and no happiness is consistent with the observance of your laws; the glory of our people is not exalted to the world as products of our ingeniousness: As of August 1, 1956, the United States relinquished their consular jurisdiction in Morocco as shown in the below document starting at the bottom of page However, Moors of the Moroccan Empire are also authorized by the same above Treaty to exercise consular jurisdiction at any Republican state jurisdiction for their protection and enforcement of Treaty rights and obligations whenever Moors have disputes with any citizen of the United States (or subject). Moors have participated in rallies, conferences and other events with groups, such as the Bloods street gang, theLatin Kingsstreet gang, theNew Black Panther Party, theNation of IslamandBlack Hebrew Israelites, according to law enforcement sources. LIVE FOR THE LAND, AIR, & WATER, HARVEST THE EARTH, CULTIVATE THE LAND, FISH IN THE SEA , SURVIVE OFF THE LAND. Even so, a small number of Moorish sovereigns have pursued more violent paths and participated in terrorist plots. International Affairs; MULTIMEDIA; Professor's Non-public Sharing Utility; RIGHTS CARD; MOORISH MEDIA EXPERTS! Still they net a 700% increase to U.S. Prison Industrial Plantations since 1985 Congressional Sentencing Guidelines: When we, as free Nationals, have our leaders stifled and disallowed to call together the wise men of our people, to consult among them with freedom, and heareth the opinion of them all; no magistrates to be just nor ministers to be wise; Fathers without land, wealth nor autonomy cannot smile upon the flourishments of our arts, neither gain strength from the sciences improved beneath the culture of our hands to be inherited to our sons and daughters: When any Government confounds the historical die of a slave-weakened people into the Maya of an illusionous Black History, that severs them from the worthiness of their ancient forefathers and ostracizing them from The Family of Nations and the Human Family from whence they derived: When those who call themselves Jews, bearing no credit on the scale of nationality, receive 6.5 Billion Dollars in Reparations, with another compassionate measure of compensations to Japanese-Americans joined with sovereign powers and immunities; Yet no apology nor gratitude to those survivors of 400 years of slavery in America; the later 225 years of which were under the American flag: When the system of Education is steeped in Euro-Nationalism and surface degrees of colour rather than character; when a Religion, forced upon Slaves during the time of Slavery, yield an observance of a God that is not our own nor graced with the Divine and National freedom of We, as a Pure and Clean People. To acknowledge by revisions of U. S. Laws there are now and henceforth two new Nations brought forth on this Continent to live in harmony from the breast of one mother. the exercise of their consular functions. We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: You can try to dialing this number: (281) 406-0312 - or find more information on their website: You can use the Google Maps navigation app: Get directions to Moorish American National Affairs. When the communities within the Sovereign States, where the descendants of ex-slaves reside, are baited with imported drugs, weapons and economical allurements concealed with hooks of crimes, punishment and death; while they, the Nationless ones, are neither the owners, transporters, the military nor minters of U.S. currencies and have no controlling interest in these creations. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Black race in the United States. One initial logical question is precisely how many black racial. He hath instituted laws for the Government of the World; He hath wonderfully varied them in all beings; and each, by his nature conformeth to His will.). If you or your organization has evidence to the contrary, kindly post the primary sources in theresponses. 1925). The unproclaimed Moorish cannot be distinguished or protected from other persons subjected to the assumable jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens . When you join our tribe and become a member, you will: 1.) All meetings are to be opened and closed promptly according to the Circle Seven and Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Natural Citizens are not confined to non-governmental organizations but are duty bound to proclaim their free national name, to be recognized by their government in which they must live. They also save money by practicing tax avoidance schemes or tax fraud. Act 1. As far as I can tell Congress of the United States has not enacted any Public Law defining the term race. The Circle 7, Chapter 25, 1. Moorish sovereign citizens have loose ties to the MSTA, espousing the groups beliefs or acting as members until their sovereign citizenship is exposed since MSTA does not hold sovereign citizen beliefs or support members that do. Book. Also, some members of theLiberty City Seventerror cell in Miami, Florida, adhered to Moorish ideology. Nevertheless The United States, in the initial post-slavery years, sustained the Ex-Slaves in state of Mental Slavery and impecunious has not made an official apology or compensatory efforts. The below 'International Proclamation' is a MUST STUDY for all Moors! Police issued a shelter-in-place order for Wakefield and Reading, Massachusetts, and shut down the interstate between Stoneham and Lynnfield until the group was apprehended. black racial groups of Africa do not exist anywhere in the known universe. All Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights Are Hereby Reserved By The Moorish American Government. The Moorish Americans as a Clean and Pure Nation have neither debts to the United States of America, her allies, enemies nor any nation neither foreign nor native. All citizens must promptly attend their meetings and become a part and a partial of all uplifting acts of Moorish America. 1. ye are the children of one father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one . But consuls are entitled to consular immunities, which protect them from local law and jurisdiction inthe exercise of their consular functions. They were the Muurs. It is not too widely known The Divine Constitution alone has the power to emancipate all Persons (property e.g. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of His Father God Allah. Being Negro, Colored, Black or African American, etc., are not Nationalities that bears the one free National descent Name of their Forefathers, but used in the semblance thereof. Below is the 'Foreign Policy' of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) for all colorable law enforcement agencies, etc., operating de facto in Morocco at North-West Amexem / North American regarding all nationals that are foreign to the UNITED STATES (Inc.). As if every other person believed in the same folklore born in the United States as they do, and like them, did not bother to read the actual definition of the term, given that officially, no Black race officially exists in either Germany or France. Posted on Dec 16, 2021. Theocracy is the true form of Government for the Moorish Americans. Leadership is always disallowed amongst chattel. We will work in reverse order. Man's Higher Consciousness By Hilton Hotema (1962)In this book Hotema provides his insights into how we could all live longer by learning the body's simple requirements of breathing fresh air, avoiding animal flesh, banning any cooked food, and by gradually lessening the amount of food consumed (VIDEO) Tracing Our Roots: African Muslims In America Before Columbus By Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah (2013)Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah shows how Muslims/Moslems we're already in the Americas even before Columbus had arrived. The Grand Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Several recent incidents highlight Moorish sovereigns propensity for violence and criminal activity: SPLC is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 63-0598743), Local Policing and Immigration Enforcement, Request for Legal Assistance Economic Justice, The Washitaw Nation and Moorish Sovereign Citizens. No organization of Moorish America is to cause any confusion or to overthrow the Laws and Constitution of the said Government but to obey hereby. Simply put, these and all activities of the Moorish American National Government are to establish Domestic and International recognition for the Moorish American Nation/Government and to effectively address the health, interests, rights and needs of the Moorish American people. When you nationalize as a Moorish American National with the Ammuurian Tribe, your family feels safe and secure, your knowledge of law and civics improves, and you reclaim your true inheritance of the land with a Nation State behind you. Moorish sovereign citizens have also been known to affiliate with otherantisemiticgroups as well as with criminal organizations. We will work in reverse order. A Divine Warning by The Prophet For The Nations: The citizens of all free national governments, according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. Many Moorish sovereigns also profit by selling bogus registration, licensing and insurance documents on websites promoting Moorish sovereign beliefs and doctrines. Our Land and monetary compensation that is due to the Moorish Americans, as well as the concerted effort of nations which have directly benefitted (prospered) from the blatant denationalization and other inhumane atrocities that the Moorish American Nation has endured from 1779 until 1865 during U.S. constitutional slavery. In later years called the Moors from the land of Tadmor (Palmara or Palmares).. Consular court is the proper venue where Moors obtain their remedy! Whenever the aboriginal Moors are engaged in any form of commerce (trade, buying, selling, etc.) The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens of Moorish America. Albeit the Moorish Peoples must elevate their thoughts from the stagnant graves of mental slavery, accepted nationless existence and self hatred in order to take their rightful status in the affairs of men. The Supreme Grand Council of Moorish Science Temples of America National Headquarters P.O. Consuls are commercial, not diplomatic agents. Primary activities by these groups include the teaching of training seminars and videotaped classes that instruct participants on how to carry out financial scams and frauds common to sovereign groups. {Prophet Noble Drew Ali, PBUH, Founding Father and Framer of the Divine Constitution & By-laws of Moorish America. So today there is not just one Washitaw Nation, but many, making it one of the most important wings of the Moorish sovereign citizen movement., The Washitaw Nation appears to be the earliest sovereign citizen group that began merging Moorish identity and heritage with sovereign citizen concepts. The assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs . Its ultimately a trust that is brought into existence with your signature. For these reasons The Moorish Americans, having been forgiven for everything done wrong prior to the advent of their Founding Father, The Illustrious Noble Drew Ali, is hereby and henceforth a Clean and Pure Nation. In accordance with the Declaration Of Human Rights, they have the Human Right to be known by one, true free national Name and by Number, with Divine Constitution de jure, officials of Government with Attach and Ambassadors, Principles, Our Flag and Holy Book. The Moorish sovereign citizen movement has no unified leadership. Allah is my protector, my guide and my salvation by night and by day, thru his Holy Prophet Drew Ali, Amen., ("I am going to leave the European here, just long enough to teach you how to run a government." Therefore, we will assist our people seeking work opportunities to fill out the W-4V from or I9 IRS forms when necessary. In particular, theNuwaubian Nation of Moorslikely played a key role in spreading Moorish sovereign citizen ideology to other key American cities. Southgate, Who were masters in Astrology, for those who are, or have reached a masters degree in their line of studies, This is an earned title, We Appreciate your visit! fiat in the cited U.S. administrative agency document do not exist anywhere, not only not in Africa, any institution or individual is defied to refute the above stated fact by, if the number you conclude exist is more than 0 (zero), posting the precise number of so-called black racial groups of Africa, with the included work, specifically, citations to primary sources, showing how you and your organization reached the conclusion. Citizenship, their nobility can not shine through revised identifications of abolished Slave Labels. Too often groups not proclaiming your free national name before your Constituted Government have been mislead like bleeding lambs to the courts of lions. (VIDEO) Ancient Mysteries: Secret Mounds Of Prehistoric America (1995)Explore some of the most intriguing archaeological sites on earth--the puzzling pre-historic mounds built by the ancient residents of North America. A small number of Moors have been involved in shootings,bank robberiesand murders. International Justice Court Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs The Hague, The Netherlands Minister A. El Honorable Barak Obama SUPREME COURT OF CONNECTICUT White House Washington DC . The National Grand Sheik and the Grand National Chairman of Moorish America are the Head of Government and are in power to make Law and enforce Laws. 216 (5th ed. Consuls are not diplomatic agents, so, unless a treaty provides otherwise, they do not enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. Is a MUST STUDY for all Moors Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance his... To the Circle Seven and Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice and doctrines Circle Seven Love... 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