In 1968, Momo reportedly tried to abduct a 4-year-old boy, though no evidence was ever found. Urban legends are often rooted in local history and popular culture. Purportedly over 7 feet tall and very slim, Walking Sam is said to appear on the streets of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation at night, and he tries to convince teenagers to take their own lives. After a particularly gruesome explosion in either 1867 or 1868, 13 miners were trapped inside the tunnel. According to the pirates' story, there was a ship that sailed into Biloxi Bay and buried their treasure on Deer Island. Some legends say that the Skinwalker also claims the ability to hypnotize their prey. The 100 Steps Cemetery is located in the town of Brazil, though the official address is actually disputed. After she was burned and they were taking her body away, her son tried to take her body from them so she could be buried on his property. In some stories, there was a bus crash with no survivors, or they were murdered by their bus driver, or they just mysteriously vanished into the woods one by one. In the early 1900s, children in an unnamed rural town in Texas started to go missing and the residents blamed it on the Candy Lady. Most people do not believe, but they want them to be true. Eventually, they decided to check it out and encountered a headless skeleton. If you're interested in finding out more about the feared Night Marchers of Hawaii, pick up one of the many local books on the subject of the underworld, or sign up for a tour through haunted hotspots. Thats why we started Creepy Catalog in 2015 as a place for creepy content and creepy people to congregate. They're whispered around campfires and passed down from generation to generation. And since then, no one has figured out where it came from. The Nightcrawler is best known for being one of the two featured video cases on the second episode of Syfy's Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files. Obviously the female student was frightened and hurried to go back to the classroom. Kahakuloa on Maui Signing up helps us (not Zuckerberg) stay in direct contact with you and create the best horror website possible. Its a legend about a lady going around door to door selling keropok. These beings, commonly referred to as the Fresno Nightcrawlers, consist of one pair of long white legs and a small head. Favorite nights of the Night Marchers: Po Kane and Po Akua. The mysterious occurrences in Beaver Dunes Park have been attributed to the fact that it was built upon ancient Native American burial grounds which is why it's called the Shaman's portal. People claim that there are multiple ghosts roaming the halls. Many of the people who drowned have been recovered. Nevertheless, to many people this legend is very real. Some of my friends insist that its haunted. 1. Nightwalkers are physically indistinguishable from humans, simply having lengthened canines as their one unique trait. The old guys from the 70s came home late from the old bar, completely drunk including my grandfather and without any source of light they would get hit by the branch and fall. Death was so associated with the tunnel that it was actually nicknamed "The Bloody Pit.". People have reported feeling arms and legs in the water, but have not been able to find them right after, leading people to believe that spirits still roam the lake. Some say the Night Marchers are searching methodically for an entrance into the next world. Other tales say that groups of teens would see a bright light and then would wind up dead and strung up over a bridge. tragic story supposedly took place there. Spooky Urban Legends in Every State - Urban Legends in America. The informant is a caucasian male. There's no scientific consensus on why Devil's Rock looks the way it does, butone Native American creation story attributes the landmark's shape to a tragedy. It's easy to pass over the skin-walker legend, because there are almost no reported sightings or shared personal encounters. The patients were being moved on a bus that crashed, and the police were able to catch all the patients except one the Bunnyman. When the police found the son, he was so unrecognizably burnt they didn't realize he was alive, so he ran away before they were able to arrest him for the murder of his father. There haven't been any recorded attacks from Chessie, but a 30-foot-long snake does not sound like something most people would want to run into. There were rumours that it was haunted with horses (of all things lol) there was one black horse that was evil. However, in doing research for this article, one thing became clear. But after summer ended, the beast disappeared, never to be heard from again. Theres apparently a few around town and some drag chains too. There's no clear consensus on how the Goat Man came to be some say he was a circus performer, others say he was a farmer who tortured his goats for Satan, and in return was transformed into a hideous goat monster. Otherwise, the Night Marchers will kill you. Retrieved September 8, 2017. Every state has its own urban legend.While some stories, like Washington state's Bigfoot, have entered mainstream pop culture, others have stayed local, like the poisoned girl at Centennial Hall in Nebraska.. Here's what he discovered: In 1970, a couple was parked in a driveway not far from the train overpass, when they had a terrifying encounter . It was a favorite place for teenagers to go and do whatever teenagers do, until they learned about the Grunch. We talked to BestReviews nutrition expert, Molly Bremer, about her favorite whole grains and how to use them. There is a cemetery on the property with hundreds of unnamed people who died there. Not in my area, it has been on the news about many years ago. Everyone knows the story of the Bermuda Triangle, but you might not know about the Alaskan Triangle. People believed thatthere was a vampiric beast in the woods, and they tried to hunt the animal. And, if by some chance, you find yourself in the middle of a procession, you are supposed to lie down in the middle of the road. However, everyone does agree on his appearance: dark fur, pale skin, goat legs, and horns. We all had torches and were trying to keep all the trees lit so the tree man couldnt hide behind any of them, fully aware wed just made the story up five minutes ago, but it was dark and spooky so we still managed to give each other the willies and laugh about it at the same time. Image via Wikimedia Commons. The Nightcrawler, also known as the Fresno Alien, is a mysterious cryptid that has so far made two appearances, both of which took place in Fresno, California. Ghostly images or haunting acts have been reported in old buildings, deep valleys, sacred burial sites, ancient temple sites (called heiau), forested areas, beaches and . La'ie on Oahu was a city of refuge in ancient Hawaii, where criminals and offenders of the culture's strict aikapu religious practices were held. We also have a Native American in a jean jacket and jeans who materializes in front of cars before they can swerve out of the way. The legend states that a woman named Mother Leeds became pregnant with her 13th child, and said, "Let this one be [a/the] devil." The generally accepted story of Hell's Gate Bridge starts in the 1950s. After his death, people reported seeing his ghost sitting under a poplar tree, wandering the courthouse, and generally creeping out the residents of Dover. The boys shot arrows at the bear, and it finally gave up, leaving scratches all the way down the rock as it slid down. Today, people say that if you go inside the school you can see the reflection of the boy if you look in the mirror. and they found all of the hunters dead with their heads crushed. The story of Sacrifice Cliff comes from an old Native American legend. 18 miles wide, 26 miles long, 400+ feet deep. On both sightings, it was only seen in video footage. Here are some of the stories I remember: When you enter the school from its main entrance to access the reception desk you need to pass a statue of the Virgin Mary. People who visited the cemetery in the past have tried to outsmart the supernatural forces in 100 Steps by avoiding the steps altogether. But, Bigfoot has been spotted the most in Washington state. It was said the driver was angry, so he chased the man down the railroad tracks by the path, until the man (the bean guy) ran into an oncoming train. There was a female college student that went to the females restroom. At the time these were seen as abnormal teats for the devil to suck on and apparently appeared on witches. Back before the haole, the caucasians, invaded the islands, pre-18th century, the natives used to walk everywhere, creating paths and trails as they travelled. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Or so they say lixtrado, There is a large burial ground for people who know to much and are a liability, (mostly drug rings) out on a part of the reservation that no police or tribal police have jurisdiction to be able to investigate. Eventually, they just replaced the stone on the tomb entirely only for a new, identical stain to appear in the exact same spot on the new stone. The husband came down to find someone to help and the wife waits in the car. The Pine Haven School, located in Jamestown, is old and abandoned, and it's said to be haunted. However, there are also plenty of local myths that have not made it into mainstream pop culture. Legend says that if you look directly at a night marcher you will be marked for death. Thus far, only two Nightwalkers are known to exist: Slayer and Nagoriyuki. Sadly, this urban legend has had some dangerous consequences. This article looks deeper into the legend of the Navajo Skinwalker and its ties to other shapeshifting myths. Eventually, someone said that there was a terrible smell coming from the well, so the city sent someone to investigate. Bigfoot is an internationally recognizable name, and has been spotted all over the country. The Bunnyman Bridge, Clifton. Someone got a little too tired of waiting for him to sell, so he was pushed into his own well. It wasnt until I was older that I found out the school was built on an old racing ground and it closed down after one of the jockeys poisoned a competitors black horse. mediastoosocial. The story of the chupacabra is perhaps the most widely known urban legend on this list. no one knows who did it or how. The crew decided to behead one of their own, and left his body behind to guard their treasure. The Shoshone tribe was first recorded in 1805 and were roaming the Great Plains as early as the 1500s, so it's not clear when exactly this legend originated. They ran back to their boat, and the skeleton followed them all the way there. Chessie is said to resemble a snake, measure around 30 feet long, and is the approximate thickness of a telephone pole. The baby ended up dying after their wedding. One legend says that apregnant woman should never walk under her, or she'll lose the child. Information from Virginias Haunted Historic Triangle by Pamela K. Kinney. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. She filed another defamation suit against a neighbor in 1701, four years after her husbands death. A four-person jury was put together to examine Sherwood, including one member of the jury who had earlier accused her of witchcraft. There are plenty of famous urban legends, including Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. The story of Slaughterhouse Canyon (not pictured), also called the less-frightening Luana's Canyon, takes place during the Gold Rush. While there has never been an asylum in Fairfax County, Brian A. Conley, a Historian-Archivist with the Fairfax County Public Library, said the story has been circulating since the 1970s and has only grown in popularity. admitting to a program investigating UFOs, mysterious occurrences in Beaver Dunes Park, a bus that doesn't have an end destination. P.M. Elton, the author of Ghostly Tales of Selected Virginia State Parks, said Hungry Mother State Park was founded in 1936. Now, you can visit her real grave in Trumbull. Mysterious things have happened in the park, starting with the Spanish conquistadors who went missing while searching for gold in the 1500s. (a type of cracker) If you refuse to buy any, she releases a Pontianak (a vengeful ghost) into your house. Suddenly the slaps stopped for a few years. ", "Urban Legends/ Who Saw Homey the Clown? Just mud, grass and there were no gates in the side doors of the tunnels. Build your defences and survive the incoming apocalypse! And while they wont throw hatchets at you in a rabbit suit, locals typically dont like people hanging around the area. It was said that you could see/hear ghosts of nuns who used to live there. Kekaa on Maui If it would have happened at rush hour tons of people would have died. Theres one house in my hometown that is said to be haunted. Best solution is not to open the door. RavenInTheSky, Its not really a known creepy urban legend, but in the 1800s in the owyhee mountains in idaho there was a group of hunters staying in a cabin and after failing to come back to their families a search party was sent out to look for them, they found the cabin, locked from the inside, with the window also locked from the inside. The informant later lived in Hawaii for 8 years, Northern California for 7 years, and now resides in Southern California again. . ", "The Story Of Killswitch, The Creepy Game No-One Has Ever Played", "Bangkok's haunted temple: the ghost story of Mae Nak", "Instagram | As luce Melody luego de 17 aos de El Baile del Gorila", "3News investigates the 'melon heads' of Kirtland", "Michigan Monsters: Beware the Melon Heads of Saugatuck", "This Is By Far The Most Peculiar Mississippi Urban Legend Of All Time", "Mutated Fukushima Giant Hornet Responsible For Multiple Nebraska Casualties? Chew was the chief justice of the Delaware Supreme Court in 1741. Theres many ghosts in Genting Highland mainly because theres many people commit suicide there and it has many accidents at Karak Highway. Po Akua - on the 14th night of the new moon, spirits of chiefs, warriors and aumakua (guardian spirits) march between sunset and sunrise. After the first re-opening of the Legare mausoleum, the door can't seem to stay shut. At other times, it appears as a scary-looking woman. Even today, spirits of soldiers are said to roam the outskirts of La'ie in search of possible escapees. The creepiest urban legend from every state. As the story goes, while he was alive, he didn't always get the respect he deserved people frequently made fun of his name by mimicking sneezes while he walked by. The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 3: High Strangeness, UFO's from 1960 through 1979. El Chupacabra. Hilo on the Big Island People tried to remove the stain, but it wouldnt go away. The phenomenon that happens at Spook Hill is real: Cars that are parked in neutral will appear to roll uphill. The state has embraced the legend so much that they named their hockey team after it. In Philadelphia, there's rumored to be a bus that doesn't have an end destination. On average, five out of every 1,000 people go missing in Alaska, according to the LA Times, so even if there's nothing supernatural going on, it's easy to get lost in the Alaskan wilderness. Prior to becoming a store, it was a garage. Gabbi Shaw. It watches them, follows them. Chupacabra sightings were first reported in the mid-1990s in Puerto Rico. They are very similar to vampires, although seemingly without their traditional weaknesses. Most of the people in my town are farmers and overall pretty pragmatic people who arent quick to believe or make up ghost stories. The Tlingit tribe who live in Juneau have their own explanation for the high number of missing people: evil spirits called the Kushtaka. A bunch of, redditors told the stories of the urban legends, 33 People Describe Their Personal Encounters With TheUnexplainable, 23 Real Ghost Stories That Will Make You Believe In TheParanormal, 32 Bizarre Fan Theories That Actually MakeSense, 16 Night Walkers Talk About The Creepiest Thing Theyve EverSeen, Horror Movies That Were So Scary, They Actually Had Disturbing Real-LifeConsequences. The informant is divorced with one child. Nearby is a disused Victorian railway which has been transformed into a 20ish mile path for people to walk, jog, cycle etc and links different parts of the city (just as the rail line would have). An urban legend, myth, or tale is a modern genre of folklore. He's been said to have terrible body odor, a pumpkin-shaped head, and an appetite for dogs. At the bottom of Lake Lanier lies (almost) fully intact towns, ferries, a racetrack, and multiple cemeteries. For example, a boat full of Hampton residents overturned, and everyone on board drowned, even though they were in swimming distance of shore. The Bunny Man is an urban legend known to many in Northern Virginia. RavenInTheSky. "We simply got tired of having to say, 'I don't know,'" Conley says. Chessie sightings have been around since the 1930s, but really started to pick up steam in the '80s, when photographic evidence became more readily available. Years later, another member of the Legare family died, and when their tomb was opened up, the remains of Julia were found outside of her coffin. Texas Stiltwalkers, also known as Striders, are massive sized cryptids reported primarily but not strictly from the South-West USA, especially Texas. Dad Jokes To Keep the Whole Family Laughing. Many Malaysians will know about this. One young guy was slapped in the face in same place. He took the leg and said it would be buried near his home. While the mother and child managed to escape, Molly eventually passed out from exhaustion. Another story is from a place that I worked at. When the unlucky travels eventually leave their car, theyll see handprints on it. He claims that the chair moves and that the door handle moves like hes still there trying to get out. KTsDefacement. When she came back and begged him for help raising their kid, he publicly declared her a witch and had her burned to death. ", People still claim to spot the Boggy Creek Monster today, and he has been the subject of five feature length films including 1972's "The Legend of Boggy Creek.". Some people claim that a UFO crashed there, and a group in the '90s who tested the soil said it was abnormal. But the story lingers. It was a fkn branch from a tree. The retelling of spooky ghost tales has been a favorite form of entertainment and an important cultural link in Hawaii since ancient times. According to the tale, the Bunnyman lived in the woods and sustained himself on woodland creatures (like bunnies), but eventually he attacked humans. The Navajo people do not talk about the Skinwalker in regular conversations. But, the passenger has no idea how long they've been on the bus for it could have been hours, days, or even years. Another legend is that the bridge is haunted by Black men who were hung by the KKK at the bridge or Civil War soldiers who still roam the area. The informant is a caucasian male. They generally appear on roads at night. If anyone's seen Fact or Fake you'd know the infamous episode where they try and debunk a Californian residents claims of an alien type being walking through his front yard. The janitor swears that a boy got locked down there by these other kids the day before summer break and died from the heat. "Its a legend about a lady going around door to door selling keropok. And theres many urban legends around Malaysia and the famous one is Orang Minyak which is called Oily Man in English. Some characteristics of the mysterious night marches include: Moanalua on Oahu Also one is actually a bear, but I have no idea why we have a ghostly demonic bear because we dont even have normal bears in this country. Numerous_Emus, The Flathead Lake in western Montana is the largest body of fresh water this side of the Great Lakes. (a type of cracker) If you refuse to buy any, she releases a Pontianak (a vengeful ghost) into your house. Ill have to roughly translate it from Arabic so bear with me. supposedly there is someone in our area that runs around whilst jacking off. His father was born in Denmark, but was raised in America. The Georgia government, in its determination to create Lake Lanier, bought up entire towns in order to clear the space for the lake after they received congressional approval in 1946. No one was thereseveral people came home full of bruises and scratches from the bicycle fall after the slap in the face. Strange creatures that walk along the streets at night. The retelling of spooky ghost tales has been a favorite form of entertainment and an important cultural link in Hawaii since ancient times. Therere many SCPs creatures at night wandering around in a place where it is very few or no people. End8890. But, they tore it down in the 90s because it was just a giant eye sore, and had a dark history of mistreating patients. We hear you like all things creepy we do too. If you look at it, it will drive you insane and will slowly kill you. While little is known about the origin of this story, some have speculated that the Candy Lady was real and that her name was Clara Crane. Legends say the hill is either the site of a Native American burial ground or an epic battle of a Native American chief against a crocodile. In 2016, an Ohio woman fell to her death from the bridge while looking for the Goat Man. We loosely tied our story to a triple murder than happened in the 1800s (the monument for which was visible from the park) for extra spookums. But Point Pleasant has embraced the monster, erecting a statue, creating a museum, and even dedicating a festival to him. Night marchers, according to Hawaiian lore, are not evil spirits, but they do demand respect. Information from and The voice is saying some Latin (I cant remember the exact words). He stuffed his mouth full of beans and jumped in front of their carriage. Most likely because of her dark appearance, multiple legends have cropped up around her. All the way there Latin ( I cant remember the exact words ) had some dangerous consequences and pretty. Travels eventually leave their car, theyll see handprints on it they decided to check it and. Their hockey team after it spotted all over the country in Trumbull Triangle but. 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