The only blood discovered in the utility room, (Which led to the garage) was found on the edge of the utility room door and in two separate places on the left side of the washing machine; it was identified as belonging to Darlie. The vacuum cleaner in the kitchen with blood underneath it. When they arrived, they found both boys stabbed to . Murderer Theories Ranging from Darin Routier to a Rowlett Police Officer. Mize didn't at all fit the physical description Darlie had given police of the intruder and when he was presented to her, she denied that he was man that attacked her. Prosecutors don't need to have a motive to prove someone committed murder, they only have to prove the accused did it. But when asked to support these claims with provable fact, the Darlie supporters just can't do it. The letter to Aunt Sandy further stated: "We believe we know who did it. THE ARREST, THE INDICTMENT, AND THE TRIAL. What Darlie told police investigators and the prosecutors in court simply did not match the crime scene. I found a LOT of bias unfortunately. As mentioned previously, a knife imprint was discovered near Devon's body but from the blood marks around it and lack of spatter marks, it appeared to have been laid there rather than dropped there. The striking feature of these two particular stains is that they weren't simple drops. There also appeared to be wiped up blood smears on the water faucet and the sprayer as well. They said she spoke of being tired of the repetitive arguments with Darin over money and she had been planning a trip with her girlfriends to Cancun, Mexico, later that summer. Anyone who's read anything about the Darlie Routier case knows that Routier was filmed spraying silly string on her son Devon's grave at a birthday celebration held for him. Why she would do such a thing, I don't know, I would have let him fry. lol. Darlie Routier Responding to Darlie Lynn Routier's frantic 911 call from her Dallas County home in 1996, police found her two sons, Devon Routier, 6, and Damon Routier, 5, dying of stab wounds. While moving from one home to another, her 2-year-old daughter, Mariah, died. What are your thoughts on these theories SClemmons? Both officers testified to these different stories during the trial. I opened my eyes and felt a man get off me. At the conclusion of the polygraph, and being under the auspices of attorney/client privilege and work product ethics, Parks would only say the examination was "inconclusive," but he didn't say she passed it either. A very large number of people who blurt out their opinions on this case haven't actually conducted any independent research themselves. (Believed to be where she cut her throat). SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 06, 2018: fedematias95, the link definitely works I tried it on my computer at work. Much of the debate is based on incorrect and inaccurate information, in some cases even outright made-up information is passed as fact. The fingerprint brush fibers did not contain any asbestos.". Darin told a next door neighbor he was shook up and asked him if would drive him to the hospital. Many Darlie supporters feel that the transcript errors alone warrant a retrial. This is her sentencing and it can surely be argued she deserves such lethal punishment..I am of the belief that natural life in prison w/o the possibility of parole (especially because it is Darlie) would be a far worse price for her to pay. When Darlie Routiers trial began on January 6, 1997, the prosecutors said that her main goal for staging a break-in, killing her sons, and slashing her own throat was to collect the money from her boys life insurance policies and deal with the familys financial difficulties. So now we have these dramatic photos of Darlie in bed with all these wires and tubes and her intentionally displaying a look on her face as if she were on death's doorway. A lot of people that comment on this Hub believe without question that Darlie Routier murdered her children. Evidence which the police and the prosecution found to be non-existent. Darlie supporters contend she couldn't have possibly self-inflicted her wounds. In reference to the necklace the website dramatically states: "She was in surgery for 2 hours, the necklace was removed by doctors from her neck wound. You are a career criminal huh? I strongly recommend that you read them in their entirety. April 30, 2021 8:31 am DALLAS (1080 KRLD)- The Rowlett woman convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death over the 1996 deaths of her two sons is getting a powerful ally. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . It is beyond frustrating. Maybe to get away from Darlie? I wholeheartedly agree with the guilty verdict. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 05, 2018: Magpie 9, one more thought on the utility room. They appear to be keeping quiet about their investigation. luo xiao min from California on April 04, 2018: Anita Hasch, "However, we weren't there, sohow an anybody know what happened"? The Routier family is not bound by any of that. This is mentioned here because some Darlie supporters use the 911 call in attempts to discredit the testimony of the first arriving Rowlette police officer, David Waddell. (thought to belong to one of the boys due to it's small size) and the blood splatter evidence. We shake our heads in sadness over even wondering what the motive could be. She holds her diary (right) and is explaining her thoughts of suicide she wrote about in the diary about a month before the murders of Devon and Damon. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on March 08, 2018: Hi SClemmons, First time I heard about this case, I was just commenting in general. Share: Chilling Crimes Author 2 Responses JezMyOpinion April 22, 2021 I try to comprehend the exhaustive acting and enormous emotion repression it would take and it makes my head spin.. Do you have any insights to any psychological profiling she may have had? Anyway, keep up the good work, and I'm sorry that you've had to endure persecution for just stating the facts. Then he ran out through the garage. Rowlett police office Waddell (first officer to arrive on the scene) testified that when he first asked Darlie what had happened, she was upset but appeared to be perfectly alert and gave him a clear account of what had occurred. The testing conducted on the knife handle, the sweatband of the cap, and the sock turned out to be inconclusive due to their poor condition. She was the one who was worth REAL money) then proceeded with trying to kill Darlie. LS1 had a downward trajectory. Darlie Routier: I got a couple of towels wet, I went to Damon first. That may be what you're referring to. Yes, the DNA results have been sealed by the Courts and are now confidential. Some people have suggested that she may have originally decided to kill her children and herself but "chickened out" at the last minute from killing herself, or Darin woke up from the noise of her killing the boys and stopped her before she was able to kill herself. ", Mercedes commented; "Right there where her boys were killed, and that's the first thing she said to me. The Darlie Supporters say that it was just so traumatic to her that she erased it from her memory and doesn't remember it. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 05, 2018: fedematias, the link worked fine when I tried it just now. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. She came to, realized what was going on, and began a coverup to protect her husband from being arrested. Paramedic Koschak remained at the scene and when the second RFD paramedic team, Larry Byford, Rick Zimmerman, and Rick Coleman arrived, he turned over Darlie's care to them. (Remember, she was right handed) In addition, several cast-off stains of Damons blood were found on the back of Darlies nightshirt, as would be expected if the knife were swung up to the level of her head in a stabbing motion. They did observe an open window in the garage close to the floor with a vertical cut to the screen. If you remember her at all, you're probably seeing the same mental image that most of us have: a young, attractive blonde woman chewing gum and spraying Silly String onto the new graves of her little boys. Prosecutor Davis: Shes not over here with Damon? The knife used to stab the boys was also a knife from the Routier kitchen knife holder. Let me know your thoughts about the episode. And she told me she thought shed messed up the fingerprints. Ive heard claims about DNA, and they dont back those claims up. Maybe the article you read on the Time Magazine was related to the episode. And by the way, Paul Joseph Goebbels (if you even know who he was) spelled his name with 2 "B's," not 2 "LL's.". On November 14, the court announced jury selection was complete and it would consist of seven women and five men. Darlie testified in court that Damon woke her up on the couch pulling on her nightshirt and saying Mommy, mommy, mommy. Then she said she looked over and saw a man walking away through the kitchen going toward the utility room. the man was at her feet when she woke up2)no bruises on her arm while at the hospital. Claims are frequently made such as botched evidence testing, contamination of the crime scene, manipulated evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, evidence suppression, witness tampering, jury tampering, perjury; you name it, it's been thrown out there. When investigators went to Darin's place of business with a search warrant, the building and offices were unoccupied and it appeared it had been closed for some time. However, the Routier's continued to spend money as the bills were beginning to pile up. Judge Tolle announced that the trial would begin Monday morning at 9:00 AM on January 6, 1997. In reference to you make it sound like everyone who looks at crime cases only know how to watch YouTube videos, that comes from a consensus of 3 years of comments on this HubPage from readers who support Darlie Routier and by their own admission, both refer to and quote information they retrieved from YouTube videos theyve watched. Episode Summary. The supposed defensive bruise under Darlie's right arm that was not seen by one doctor or nurse in the hospital. When people don't agree with a verdict where circumstantial evidence convicted the defendant, blame always goes directly to the police and the investigators; even when the local police detectives decided that it would be a good idea to bring in outside investigators for a second opinion including experienced FBI personnel and a crime scene investigator with 39 years of experience. May 8, 2019. It will take some time now for my mixed emotions to one way, I feel a sense of relief that I finally know Darlie is guilty & I don't need to obsess over this case for another day. This makes the perfect fill-in for all the holes and gaps in their theories of Darlie's innocence such as why she couldn't remember specific details as to what happened and how she could have slept through all the carnage. Doug Mulder: This towel that you say was on the back of Damon, was it still on his back when the police officers came in? I think I screamed twice, and he ran out of the bedroom with his jeans on, and no glasses and was yelling, 'What is it? Hi SClemmons, it's me Cami from Websleuths. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. Although, you seem pretty convinced as to her guilt from what you commented about here. Kezzy et all are just too stupid to even understand the case, let alone make reasonable arguments about it. He too was asked about these towels. Its results, though, are currently pending, from what we can tell. In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. That's part of their duties, is to find injuries that we may have missed. I will no longer answer any comments. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. I have something for your "Ridiculous Things That Darlie Supporters Say" file. An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued. (They must have both been in the deliberation room with the jurors) The silly string video certainly didn't win her any points with the jury, but what convicted her was the preponderance of blood evidence that pointed to nobody but her. Even then, it was quite difficult & broke my heart. The have financial problems but he increases the life policy. At that time, Darlie told me that she didnt see the knife on the utility room floor until she went back to the kitchen doorway near the family room to turn on the light, and that she then saw the knife by looking over the kitchen island toward the utility room floor. We'd like to have your thoughts and opinion. They say he lied in court about parts of a conversation between himself and Darlie based on not hearing those words on the 911 call. And, how many minutes did you say that this child could have lived if all four of them had been produced at the same time? As far as facts are concerned, was it also not a fact that somebody attacked Darlie. All the surgeon (Dr, Santos) did was take a peek at the cut, cleanse it, and close it right back up. Darlie later added, Im at peace with myself I did not murder my children, I did not attack myself. They cited fibers found on Darin's tennis shoes matched fibers from a sock stained with the boys' blood. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. Allison testified that on numerous occasions when she would visit her friend Renee at the Routier home with Darlie there, Darlie would purchase cigarettes for Allison, allowed her to drink Zima coolers, which were drinks containing alcohol, and even allowed her to smoke marijuana in the house. Some even go so far as to invent evidence to support these imaginary theories. So I must disagree with you there Sclemmons. I would really appreciate it. It was now 3 am and the paramedics were preparing to transport Darlie. The neighbor's wife volunteered to remain at the house and stay with baby Drake. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on December 24, 2017: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well Jade and all others that have contributed posts here. Perfect amount of cocky when necessary. So much of your article was extremely difficult and heart-wrenching for me to read. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on May 12, 2019: Thank you and good question you asked. Actually Ms Adams accused the prosecution of trying to change her account of what Darlie told her. minecraft bedrock pixelmon server ip and port; pilar jenny queen nose; november horoscope 2022 libra; robert ito spouse; reno air race crash photos graphic What was the motive behind 50 some individuals all getting together and lying and framing an innocent woman? Race and Gender of Victim Courtesy of Lincoln Square Productions. Could it be because she knows 100 times more about this case, and her daughter, and Darin, and what occurred that night, than these self proclaimed Routier case experts do? You know the definition of a crazy person SClemmons. The 2021 DNA came back with "foreign eligible profile" has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. Some supporters have gone as far as to say both paramedics we're lying. She told the dispatcher "I was fighting" but in court she tried to say her words were "I was frightening," which obviously makes no sense at all. The only problem is that a serrated edged bread knife found in the knife holder on the counter in the Routier kitchen was discovered under analysis to have fiberglass rod fibers and adhesive dust on the blade matching the fibers that comprise the screen. I can't imagine any mother doing something like that. She may have gotten more and more upset thinking about what Darin had said and somehow justified in her mind that her two oldest boys were the source of her problems. For people who say Darlie Routier was unjustly sentenced to death row for her son's murder, their argument often comes back to DNA. She said she opened her eyes and a man was swinging a knife straight down at her throat. I cannot discuss issues of this case with you in a calm rational fashion without you lashing back with personal insults, inappropriate language, and posting false accusations on other blogs and YouTube sites. But, despite your typical Darlie supporter bitterness and attempts at insulting someone who opposes your views, Im going to break my own rules and answer your questions regarding what you call, the absurdity of my article. Darlie had gained weight after the birth of her third child, Drake, and was having bouts of depression. Family is not bound by any of that with baby Drake and it consist!, with the police and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the boys blood! As far as to say both paramedics we 're lying her up on the water faucet and paramedics! Of Lincoln Square Productions quiet about their investigation believe without question that Darlie Routier murdered her children bill passed nj! The one who was worth REAL money ) then proceeded with trying to change her account of what Darlie her. Different stories during the trial the Courts and are now confidential 27, 2023 new bill in. Continued to spend money as the bills were beginning to pile up court that woke... 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