c. The royal governor passed a number of unpopular laws in the colonies. In payment, Teradene paid$16,000 cash and signed a noninterest-bearing note requiring the payment of $70,000 in one year. They agreed to pay the United States' debts. Cartier. .b. What was required in order for this Congress to pass a measure? by making a joint statement against Spain b. the division of government into legislative ,executive, and judicial branches. prevented all trade in the colonies. Pro-British Americans were angered that the US government agreed to trade with Britain shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or . 371, terms 1/10, n/30. Fact 4: Aaron Burr Almost Became President. How did abolitionists want to change American society in the early 800s? the Battle of West Point; the Battle of Saratoga b. the federal government has. taxation The US and France engaged in an undeclared naval war. Rhode Island worked together with settlers. bands of thieves Jan. 15 - Received payment from Linton Corp. for invoice no. The answer is B. b. America was too large and too far away. The Articles of Confederation needed to better control citizen rebellions. This description is inaccurate, and the extent is threefold. b. They supported states' rights and supremacy, French Ambassador Genet was sent to the US in 1793 to try to obtain US support for France against England; Washington proclaimed the US's neutrality, Federalists withdrew their support when it became violent a. revolutions in Spain. No one should be able to own or use a gun. They had to be surveyed and divided. The king felt the colonies were growing too independent from England. The Ohio River Valley was outside of territory claimed by the Europeans. to resist settlement of American Indian lands Which demand was included in the Declaration of Sentiments? the arrival of enslaved Africans and indentured servants Jan. 30 - Received payment from Delaney Co. for invoice no. appeal directly to other politicians for support. He thinks kings should be worshipped only by members of their church. The Tenth Amendment protects the powers of a. The predictions give people warnings about bad weather. The process of amending the Constitution is easy, and it happens often. .American Indians.Asians What was the main cause of the problems they encountered? b. the Mississippi for France. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr (who had run as his VP partner in the election) both receive the same number of electoral votes- 73 c. They attacked settlements in retaliation. made it a federal crime to engage in any combination or conspiracy against the govt. The British government ruled the territory. Answer: The election of 1800 marked the first time that a US president was chosen by the House of Representatives. When national parks have too many visitors, it can cause the destruction of natural and cultural places. Antifederalists. south Read the excerpt from Article V of the Constitution below.The Congress . o The British agreed to compensate American merchants for the ships and cargoes they had lost to the British a. the uncertainty of the war and low pay for soldiers voiced his support of state banks "To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy". a close win for John Quincy Adams. The British army responded to the colonial victory at Trenton by Bearing arms is only for the purpose of hunting. the Society of Friends was not welcome. d. expressing the problems colonies could have with the country that ruled them. abolitionist meetings and speeches. c. the town in Holland from which the Puritans sailed. During January, Mercer completed the following transactions. They were unsatisfied with the colony and did not send much support. suggested changes to it. They had to be free of American Indians. b. Democratic-Federalists The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 1798 a. all the people in the colony. The United States should not take sides in foreign wars. above the direct object and I.O. For Thomas Jefferson, the presidential election of 1800 represented a contest over the meaning of the American Revolution. sought access to the Continental navy. passed it without making changes. only required traders to pay the new tax. c. built to join two major railroads. It was the first example of representative government in the colonies Civil magistrates in Massachusetts set up a special court in 1692 to In the late 1780s, land in the Northwest Territory appealed mostly to to offer to purchase the Caribbean island of Haiti from France Colonist settlement on Wampanoag land increased. c. command military maneuvers. Jackson always consulted with Congress first before working toward policy-making. a. In England during the 1600s, the Society of Friends was persecuted for beliefs that included .the Whig Party. They had to have a school established. It limited who could be tried in Massachusetts judicial courts. weaken the federal government. c. convincing France to send 6,000 soldiers to help the colonists. limited government. a. capturing British forts along the Mississippi River. Which did the Treaty of Paris recognize? Mortality (death) rates were especially high among infants. Why did the Pilgrims and the Puritans establish colonies in the New World? revising On February 17, 1801, Thomas Jefferson is elected the third president of the United States. Its members were elected by freemen in Pennsylvania. Britain The Democratic-Republican Party won control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress for . Southerners feared it would lead to the end of slavery. d. neither the state governments nor federal government have. Unlike Portuguese explorers, Columbus believed that he could get to Asia more quickly by sailing Even though most of these jobs did not pay well, many people moved to the cities to work. There was a widespread outbreak of the flu virus in Ireland. Explanation: The election of 1800 was absolutely wild it had everything from slanderous personal attacks, anonymously written screeds in newspapers, claims that Adams was a monarchist, counter-claims that Jefferson was a radical who favored the lawlessness of the French Revolution and the outcome was eventually decided by the House of Representatives in a b. the legislative branch a. gave the US sole control of the Oregon Country. Are the demographic shifts predicted in the text going to increase or decrease the size of this average-purchaser segment? Narragansett Indians and colonists attacked a Pequot fort. .the Non-Importation Agreement. They forced Hamilton to abandon his debt plan. How does the Eighth Amendment protect people found guilty of a crime? c. all states should have same number of congressional representatives. the Boston Massacre Based on this quotation, William Marcy could best be described as about the same size as it really is. c. supported Great Britain when it declared war on France. fought with Indigenous People. Why did the Tea Act of 1773 anger many American colonists? b. describing how several groups could work together under a single government. As coauthors of the "Federalist Papers," Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay all d. seeking an education. How did the Dutch government react to the increasing conflict with Britain over New Netherland? and worshipped into the bargain! Nearly all of the animals are killed at night in open fields. a. sent troops to support the French Revolution. Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise. by selling war bonds and taxing colonists, by selling war bonds and printing more currency, Which colonial leader helped form a Franco-American alliance in 1778? Britain wanted to create a barrier near the boundary of New Spain. The highlight of the banquet were\underline{\text{were}}were the awards. a. opposition to religion. Southerners feared it would lead to the end of slavery. c. set the US-Canada border at the 49th parallel provide everyone with access to education. shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States. North America. to establish banks in each state. set up and manage the courts. During the Constitutional Convention, delegates disagreed over Spanish settlers. giving colonists access to French forts and helping them capture Spanish forts. slavery c. It was limited by the president. c. It was the only New England colony to tolerate people of all religions. the Townshend Acts, Why did the Stamp Act Congress meet in 1765? add a bill of rights to the Constitution. the Battle of Saratoga; the Battle of Camden outlined a public education system for enslaved people. Africa. The election marked the first time the office of the president had changed from one party to another Name the specific ways Jefferson reduced the size and power of the national government. a. stated how many enslaved workers a plantation owner could have. When the electors cast their votes, the . a. promise better times if he was elected supported Great Britain when it declared war on France, Which early political party believed in international alliances and opposed a national bank? They pressured the United States to solve their conflicts. Which tactic did Charles Townshend use to increase British control of the American colonies? Why did the king establish the Dominion of New England in the American colonies? Jefferson felt that Great Britain should try to stop it, but Washington felt that it would end on its own. used reason to try to improve people's lives. Teradene made the following expenditures related to the acquisition of the land, building, and equipment for the factory: Purchase price of the land $1,200,000 Demolition and removal of old building 80,000 Clearing and grading the land before construction 150,000 Various closing costs in connection with acquiring the land 42,000 Architects fee for the plans for the new building 50,000 Payments to Maxtor for building construction 3,250,000 Equipment purchased 860,000 Freight charges on equipment 32,000 Trees, plants, and other landscaping 45,000 Installation of a sprinkler system for the landscaping 5,000 Cost to build special platforms and install wiring for the equipment 12,000 Cost of trial runs to ensure proper installation of the equipment 7,000 Fire and theft insurance on the factory for the first year of use 24,000. Jan. 6 - Made cash sales for the week totaling $3,150. Read the thesis statement from an argumentative essay about the importance of National Parks to the economy. b. Europe and Asia Which of the following describes one result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688? the votes of nine states . the new Constitution had worked. He created new taxes on the American colonists to raise revenue. .tried to get the colonies to grow tea. Cash payments journal with columns for Other Accounts Dr., Accounts Payable Dr., Inventory Cr., and Cash Cr. b. colonial victories in Trenton, Princeton, and Saratoga William Penn. What reform to voting procedures followed the Panic of 1819? Election of 1800 marked the first peaceful transition in power from one POLITICAL PARTY to another Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie between Jefferson and Burr with 73 votes each caused a problem; the House of Representatives broke the tie President Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican who wanted to limit the powers of the national government They pressured the United States to take sides. The election of 1800 marked the first time in modern political history that a party in power peacefully turned over the govt. become the law of the land. to distract the Americans from the battle at sea The election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 marked a success for the Democratic-Republican party and the decline of the Federalist party. by making a joint statement against France Jan. 9 - Sold merchandise on account to Linton Corp. $5,400, invoice no. Many of the colonies elected representative assemblies. d. a state's congressional representation should be based on its population. Social worker Jane Addams was choosing, Identify the following term or individuals and explain their significance. to arrange to buy the Northwest Territory from Britain, to try to buy New Orleans and West Florida from France. c. the right of the people to check the power of their government. The presence of many different churches in the colony of New Jersey indicated that farming Which of the following best describes the state of self-government in British Colonial America in the 1600s? He promised to govern as he felt the Founders intended, based on decentralized government and trust in the people to make the right decisions for themselves. The US responded by doing the same to France, What was the issue involved with the Election of 1796, President John Adams sent three commissioners to France in an attempt to avoid an all-out war. a. fought on the side of the French. Which right is guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment? Harlem Heights, New York, Which events encouraged France to help ease the hardships endured by the Continental army? c. Florida for Spain. The answer is C. The townspeople started throwing things at them. preventing the removal of American Indians. Typically, colonial villages in New England the Stamp Act They wanted to harness the power of the waterways to build new factories. create the Frame of Government. The two major candidates for President were the Federalist President, John Adams, and the Democratic-Republican candidate, Thomas Jefferson. What did both Shays's Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny cause Americans to realize about the Articles of Confederation? The 1800 election was a rematch between Adams and Jefferson, and to forestall the recurrence of the same situation from the 1796 election, the parties sought to ensure that all their electors were united. d. a group of delegates who represented the colonists in Parliament, a group of workers and shopkeepers who organized to protest British taxes. What were 3 significances of the 1800 election? pigs. expanding of the US Constitution using the "elastic clause" (Article 1- Sec. defined the status of enslaved persons and the rights of their owners. d. It had the power to declare independence. Which best describes the outcome of the XYZ Affair in the late 1790s? led by Jefferson and Madison and largely consisted of southern planters and backcountry Scots-Irish farmers who preferred an agrarian America. The Supreme Court reviewing and ruling on acts of other branches of the government is called supreme ruling. Jan. 11 - Purchased merchandise on account from Cora Co.$3,700. The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong enough national government, Spain and France desired a colonial victory in the American Revolution because they The soldiers were tried, and all but two were freed. the Supreme Court is a check against legislative power. During the 1828 campaign, Andrew Jackson became the first candidate to d. It established the First Continental Congress. How did American Indians react to white settlers in the Northwest Territory? Bernardo de Glvez contributed to the American Revolution by the Declaratory Act Unlike the Spanish, French settlers in North America in the 1400s and 1500s Only local governments can pass gun laws. Fort Lee, New Jersey c. The US officially declared war on France. Over a decade after retiring from the presidency, Thomas Jefferson described his own election as the "revolution of 1800." This revolution, he wrote, was "as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form." Jefferson immediately brought about changes in the presidency and the government. The eventual winner was decided only after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. Maryland was founded on behalf of Roman Catholic colonists. He considered it carefully and agreed with it. business owners. d. The New England colonies were combined with New York and New Jersey. marked the first peaceful transition in power from one POLITICAL PARTY to another, tie between Jefferson and Burr with 73 votes each caused a problem; the House of Representatives broke the tie, was a Democratic-Republican who wanted to limit the powers of the national government, Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans, rule by the people; strong state governments; emphasis on agriculture; strict interpretation of the Constitution; French Alliance, a Federalist who ran against Thomas Jefferson for President and lost; his running mate (Vice President) was Charles C. Pinckney, rule by wealthy class; strong federal government; emphasis on manufacturing; loose interpretation of the Constitution; British Alliance, this act passed by Federalist legislators created 16 new federal judgeships that President Adams filled with Federalists (they were called midnight Judges), the chief justice of the United states for 34 years appointed by John Adams; he established the power of the Courts to check the other branches of government, the acts that Congress allowed to expire under Jefferson; it protected the government from treasonous ideas, actions, and people, the bank the Federalists created, Jefferson first opposed the bank, but agreed to support it later on, a important court ruling that helped establish the Supreme's Courts power to check the power of the other branches of government; it also established the Court as the final authority on the Constitution, made a judicial branch a much stronger branch of the national government, What was significant about Thomas Jeffersons victory. alienation. During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of the RIGHT Jay Treaty. Colonists' boycotts of British goods were hurting British trade. At the same time, it was the first . shared power between states and local governments .called for an end to the bank's charter. As a result of the War of 1812, many American Indian groups religious orientation that rejects divine revelation and holds that the workings of nature alone reveal God's design for the universe, required electors to case separate ballots for president and VP. c. how the Americans would fight against the British. Pro-French Americans were angered that the US government agreed to trade with France. to isolate Boston by closing its harbor The Presidential election of 1824 is significant for being the only election since the passage of the 12th Amendment to have been decided by the House of Representatives. . The answer is A. John Adams grew due to increased taxation of the colonists because of the war. Citizens should agree to obey their government as long as the government protected their natural rights. 373. The First Continental Congress suggested that colonists boycott British goods in 1774 to protest There should be no limits on owning and using guns. He thinks kings should be allowed to make important decisions. Congress b. housing for British troops Across 16. cigarettes, asbestos, radiation, etc. c. new cabinet members. The settlers captured American Indians to use as enslaved labor. .Both believed that France should settle its internal problems without outside intervention. The election of 1800 marked the first time a US president was chosen by, During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of the, Language Arts 11 B Vietnam Literary Journalism, Language Arts 11 B Writing Workshop: Visual M, Language Arts 11 B Using Resources and Refere, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook, Civics and U.S. Government Tri-2: Creation of. Did the Tea Act of 1773 anger many American colonists one result the. The king felt the colonies were growing too independent from England boycotts of British goods in 1774 protest... Size as it really is cultural places the answer is c. the royal governor passed a of. Unsatisfied with the country that ruled them be no limits on owning and using guns open fields,... 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