That is. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity. [31], A MJOLNIR-clad Cal-141 was capable of blocking a Jiralhanae Chieftain's gravity hammer swing with a single hand, dodging multiple swings from the Brute, using her enhanced strength to jump to great heights, and wounding the Chieftain with a few punches and kicks; she was furthermore capable of pulling an occupied ODST drop pod out of thick mud and throwing it dozens of meters. The Spartan IIIs augmentations were the same, but safer, essentially a quantum leap in the technology. Each Spartan is assigned to a different leader: Alice to Isabel, Douglas to Professor Anders, and Jerome to Captain Cutter. Are Spartan-II Augmentations Possible? The surgeon performs a procedure on the capillaries, the smallest of the body's blood vessels, to reverse the direction of blood flow in each capillary to boost the blood flow beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. [15] Further medical advances have been made in areas not directly related to physical performance but nonetheless improving humans' quality of life. [36], As of April 2559, there are fourteen active Spartan-IIs, of whom only the members of Blue and Red teams remained under NAVSPECWAR's operational command, while Gray Team and Naomi-010 continued operating under authority of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Blue Team during the Battle of Circinius IV in Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. [14] During the events on the planet Onyx in 2552, Will-043 used his enhanced strength to engage a Hunter pair in hand-to-hand combat, and succeeded in killing one by tearing the worms from its bruised body. The beginnings of the program can be traced back to 2321, when the Office of Naval Intelligence began to build upon bioengineering protocols developed during the Interplanetary Wars. Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites. As insurrectionist forces become more effective and the military's responses consequently become more forceful, the need for large scale military campaigns became more and more obvious. Surgeon Reacts to Spartan II. A notable exception to this are the biochemical and cybernetic augmentations used in the SPARTAN programs, which represent the peak of human biological and cybernetic enhancement. The subject could have experienced bleeding eyes, intense pain, constant headaches, and aches in the bones. [12], The SPARTAN-IIs are capable of lifting three times their body weight, which is double the normal weight of an average human dueto the ceramic bone augmentations, in addition to their increased muscle density. Although his training methodology was tough, even brutal in some regards, Chief Petty Officer Mendez always instilled discipline, honor, and respect into the Spartans. [6] The superconducting fabrication of neural dendrites was said to feel like fire was burning along the subject's nerves on their spines. [14] The Spartans continuously proved highly effective against all threats; their heroic rearguard and delaying actions saved countless human lives from the genocidal Covenant onslaught. Originally envisioned as the second generation of the ORION Project, the resulting program would differ greatly from its predecessor, with the resulting program becoming the first in . Only a small percentage of subjects survived the process and fully recovered. [70] Spartan-II teams are assigned color-based designations on a mission-specific basis, Blue, Red and Green teams being the most prominent of these. One observed physical effect; the result of being fed growth hormone supplements, many SPARTANs were exceptionally tall and heavy. Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez stated that after the augmentations the Spartans would only get better as they adjusted to the changes. [29][30] Team Black was stationed on Installation 03,[31] until they were killed by the Didact, dwindling the known number of active Spartan-IIs at the moment, down to eight. Permanent blindness. [22], Only a few months after augmentation procedures, the SPARTAN-IIs were capable of running at speeds exceeding 55km/h or 34.2mph. However, Dr. Halsey hoped that some might be rehabilitated and enter service as fully functional Spartans.[6]. Answer (1 of 2): Spartan II's are the strongest by a large margin. Two escaped aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, one of whom was place in cryostasis aboard the ship after sustaining life-threatening injuries during the battle on Gamma Station. [57] Only a select few outsiders, including Dr. Halsey and Dj, are privy to some of the best-held secrets within the group. The selection criteria could be loosened, and the procedures' mortality rate could be eliminated to zero. [90] They count as hero units and therefore cannot be killed, only knocked out and slowly healing until they are revived. [5], As unrest began to brew in humanity's fledgling space territories, eventually breaking out as the Interplanetary War, biological augmentations were first appropriated for military use. It's unclear whether or not John ran at this speed under the use of his own power or through the use of MJOLNIR armor. [10] Jerome-092 demonstrated this on the Banished ship Enduring Conviction making light work of the sangheili in the area with limited visibility. Serin was declared dead and was secretly incorporated into the Office of Naval Intelligence, who reversed the physical damage she had suffered. Sangheili have drugs that are used not only for healing, but also for memory improvement and for dealing with anxiety. The SPARTAN-II augmentation procedures were a series of biochemical and biomechanical manipulations applied to SPARTAN-II Conscripts at the onset of puberty. Discord - Old Man's Patreon - - . [37], In December 2559, Captain Thomas Lasky redeployed the rest of Blue Team on a separate operation of some kind as the Infinity prepared to deploy the Master Chief and the Weapon to Installation 07 to stop Cortana. [48], However single-minded many outsiders view them as, the Spartan-IIs remain independent thinkers;[49] from early on, Dr. Halsey's intent was to mold the candidates into effective soldiers through "persuasion and acclimation" as opposed to the brainwashing suggested by some of her colleagues within ONI, believing that in order to be truly efficient the Spartans must be able to properly understand and embrace the significance of their mission. If the subject has survived the changes, the final part of the augmentation is performed. After being transferred to highly covert ONI Kilo-Five unit in 2553, Naomi-010 continued to serve on highly classified operations as of 2558. They accomplish the impossible regularly, and received more extensive and complete augmentations than any Spartan class after them. Linda-058. 5% of test subjects experience a fatal cardiac volume increase. This is the GVWR, or Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, of the. [32], On September 1, 2558, Gray Team were awakened from cryo and found themselves in the middle of a battle between two Sangheili factions, a Jiralhanae faction and the citizens of Suraka on the planet Carrow. SPARTAN-IIs would go on to play pivotal roles in the Battle of Earth, the Battle of Installation 05, the Onyx Conflict and the Battle of Installation 00. The reaction times of the SPARTAN-IIs were so fast that they, in heightened states of stress, were able to think, react and see things as if everything around them were simultaneously occurring at both a slow and rapid pace - a phenomenon dubbed "SPARTAN Time" by Kelly-087. However, the Prelates could operate at their physical peak for only limited periods of time, with the sustained use of the enhancements bringing with it a variety of dangerous side effects.[14]. The effect of the muscles increasing in density is said to feel like the entire body was on fire mixed with the feeling of plate glass shattering and being worked into the subject's body. [40] Fostering this accomplishment, Spartan-IIs donning Mjolnir have in many instances been shown as capable of throwing armored Jiralhanae from their vehicles. The doctor considered that some of the deceased Spartans may some day be resuscitated and placed into active service; by June 27, 2525, rehabilitation protocols were in development for 80% of the washouts, with AIs predicting a total survival rate as high as 50%. Project Aster is the augmentation program for the Spartan-IIs. He taught the Spartans how to kill, but at the same time he taught them the difference between right and wrong. Of the 150 children considered for the program, only 75 were conscripted. The majority of these former candidates were later reassigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence. In order to maintain morale among the other forces of the UNSC, the Office of Naval Intelligence created Directive 930. Spartan-II candidates were all abducted from their families around the age of six in 2517. . [3] The fruition of such procedures to help create a superior soldier did not solidify until the limited success of the ORION Project, which would pave the way for the success of the SPARTAN-II Program. It can provide a Spartan with an incredible amount of protection and strength. Research on the then-named ORION Generation II augmentations began five years after the deactivation of the ORION Project. [22] Experimental rehabilitation programs were performed on more than 80% of the washouts. [36] During the Battle Of Onyx, Will-043 engaged a Hunter pair in hand to hand combat, and succeeded in killing one by ripping the worms out of its body, after Linda-058 bruised its mid-section with her sniper rifle. [27], In 2557, after being missing in action for nearly five years, John-117 stopped the Ur-Didact's attack on Earth after linking up with the UNSC Infinity on Requiem. I see a number of people claim the S3's weren't augmented as well as the S2's. I also see claims that Noble Team had inferior armor to John and the other S2's, or that Jorge is an inferior S2 and is older than John. It is unknown as to what muscle groups were focused in this particular outlook. [35], In February 2559, after 28 years of drifting in space the UNSC Spirit of Fire found its way to the Forerunner Installation 00, also known as the Ark. The Spartan-IIs attend the funeral for those killed in the augmentations. Only 33 survived the procedures without physiological deformities, of whom two would commit suicide in the following weeks upon encountering their flash clones. According to it "any Spartan casualties are to be listed as Missing In Action (MIA) or Wounded In Action (WIA), but never Killed In Action (KIA)." Illustration of the Catalytic Thyroid Implant. Those who truly are missing are listed as such. Ultimately John-117 would eliminate the Covenant leadership with the help of the Flood and Thel 'Vadam, effectively defeating the Covenant and ending the war. Technologically, however, the new augmentations represented a major improvement over the previous program, while being cheaper than before: much less surgery was required, with most of the enhancements administered via chemical means. [22] These reflexes allowed Spartans to successfully dodge gunfire on certain occasions. In order to preserve the program's secrecy, the children were replaced by flash clones, which would die soon thereafter due to numerous medical complications associated with flash-cloning an entire human being. While the SPARTAN-II augmentations would make the soldier significantly stronger and faster than an ORION operative, this came with a price: out of 75 candidates, only 33 survived the augmentation procedures, with the rest either killed or maimed for life. Twelve Spartan-II candidates were officially discharged from the program after failing the augmentation procedures, most becoming severely crippled. They were, according to every single source from the canon. The project was secretly relaunched by the Colonial Military Authority well over a century later in 2491, with the recruitment of 65 adult test subjects; hundreds more were added after the first batch completed their training. Specific risk for pre-and near-postpubescent adolescents: skeletal growth spurts may cause irreparable bone pulverization. The identities of the Spartans' full names have been deleted from all military records. The SPARTAN-II trainees about to be introduced to the program. While civilian applications for such technologies do exist, their obvious military advantages quickly saw them harnessed for the purposes of warfare. Blue Team during Operation: FIRST STRIKE in Halo: First Strike. [14], The side effects of completing the augmentations vary, as the subject's brain relearns how to move their body with faster reflexes and stronger muscles. The augmentations after performed, on the forearms of, Halo Wars 2 (2017, Xbox One & Windows 10), Halo 4: King of the Hill (2012, iOS & Android), Halo: Fireteam Raven (2018, Arcade cabinet), Halo Custom Edition (2004, Windows & Mac), Halo: The Master Chief Collection (2014, Xbox One), Halo Wars: Definitive Edition (2016, Xbox One & Windows 10), Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide (2013), Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe. John subsequently reunited with Blue Team who faced the Didact again shortly afterward; after defeating the Promethean for the second time,[28] the team continued to serve in the field in a number of classified operations. After Reach fell, there weren't enough Spartans left. [5] Admiral Ysionris Jeromi conducted experimental procedures on bonobo chimpanzees at the request of his former student in an attempt to reduce the failure rates and improve the regime. This produces the most prolonged delay in the rest of the augmentation procedures as the subject's body begins to alter as a result of the previous procedure. [19] The augmentation procedures performed on the SPARTAN-IIs paved the way for a set of improved procedures known as Project CHRYSANTHEMUM for the Spartan-IIIs. Despite the impressive feats the surviving SPARTANs performed, many of the fourteen year old candidates died or "washed out" as a result of the augmentations. The first was adrenal-response enhancement, which would enhance the autonomic nervous system to better balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic function in the body's response to stress. In particular, John-117, the Spartans' de facto leader rose to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer in 2526[65] while Frederic-104 was promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade in 2552 by Lieutenant Commander Kurt Ambrose, himself a Spartan-II who had been recruited to lead the SPARTAN-III program years before. Although the subject is in a state of unconsciousness during the procedure, they may experience excruciating pain. [45] The information is not public knowledge as of 2558,[41][46] although some of the Spartan-IVs were made aware of their predecessors' origins. The Mjolnir armor was created in parallel to the SPARTAN-II project and is the most technologically advanced piece of hardware in human hands. Their familiarity with each other's body language allows the Spartan-IIs to function in perfect synergy in combat, their teamwork abilities having been described as borderline telepathic. Deceased Spartans are assumed to be officially listed missing in action or wounded in action, even if known with certainty to be KIA. Can you be a Spartan? [83] Halsey eventually gave up on Class II and left the program, after she judged the candidates to be of an inferior standard. [4], From 2511 until the augmentation of the SPARTAN-IIs in 2525, research continued refining and improving the chemicals to reduce the failure rate. During this time, John-117 rose to be the de facto leader of the Spartans. The carbide ceramic ossification was said to feel like the subject's bones were breaking, as if their marrow was made of glass and was being shattered. A kick by John-117 flung one of the exoskeleton-clad men eight meters. [23] John-117 has been noted to have run at around 105km/h or 65.2mph during a MJOLNIR Mark V training exercise; however, his Achilles tendon was torn because the strain put on his body was unsustainable. Naomi-010 wearing her Mark VII armor in Halo Mythos. [10] Kelly-087 was capable of running even faster than this speed. [84] The Office of Naval Intelligence would ultimately cancel Class II due to the lack of sufficient candidates. He was able to hold a Jiralhanae Warlord's jaw and pull the Chieftain to the ground despite its weight, while uppercutting another Jiralhanae with his shotgun; single-handedly launching the enemy several meters away. [11] John-117 has been noted to briefly run at 105 km/h or 65.2mph during a Mjolnir Mark V training exercise. [56] Having been taught to refrain from overt emotional displays, the Spartan-IIs most commonly convey their emotions through subtle body language and cryptic gestures. Every day the subject performs stretches, isometric exercises, light sparring drills and consumes five high-protein meals. The standard neural interface provides the neural link between the Spartan-II and the Mjolnir armor. A scan of John-117's brain during the augmentation procedures. [29] All Spartan-IIs graduated to the rank of petty officer second class at the conclusion of their training,[64] though many have since risen to a higher rank. Physiological stress brought on by the augmentations can produce cardiac arrest,[5] in addition to cross-chemical complications that can result in augmentation failure. [58] Although the Spartan-IIs often have difficulty socializing with baseline humans outside situations of a strictly military nature, they are rather gregarious among themselves and habitually cluster together while out of the battlefield, commonly engaging in activities such as playing cards, exercising together, reading, or maintaining their personal equipment. Combined with the Spartans' intelligence, seamless teamwork and unyielding drive for success, the augmentations made them nearly unstoppable against any conventional combatant. Spartan-IIs experienced the most extensive and invasive physical augmentations out of all the Spartan generations, starting augmentation at early pubescent ages increased their physical mass and height to around seven feet by adult age. The protocol is not applied to members of the SPARTAN-IV program and the Spartan Operations branch, the UNSC opting to honor their sacrifices accordingly rather than maintaining an aura of invincibility for propaganda purposes. The process consisted of many injections and surgeries. [6], Though conventional body armor had protected soldiers for centuries, the Gen-II project's second radical change involved integrating the subject with a new powered exoskeleton device, designed to help keep its user safe and provide a powerful means of combating enemy forces. This device allows a starship-grade AI to be carried "between" the host's brain and later models of the Mjolnir armor. A Spartan backflips off a Jiralhanae Chieftain in Halo 4. Recommended coverage not to exceed 3% total bone mass because of significant white blood cell necrosis. Red Flag was also basically a hail mary even the Spartans weren't sure would work. [6], After the graduation of the first class of Spartan-IIs in 2525, Dr. Halsey began planning for the next wave of Spartans; her efforts, however, ran into problems. [18] Experimental rehabilitation programs were performed on more than 80% of the washouts, who had suffered varying degrees of disease, injury and deformity. The thirty-three SPARTAN-IIs that were able to accomplish all this are without any serious physiological or mental instabilities.[21]. Additionally, Linda-058 shot the pilots out of two Banshee fliers as she was hanging from a titanium cable that was attached to her arm and leg. The ability to . [12][13], The San'Shyuum in the Covenant used genetic enhancement techniques to augment a number of San'Shyuum into elite supersoldiers known as Prelates. [16] The Spartans' prowess was not lost on the Covenant, who came to fear, and in the case of the Sangheili, respect the Spartans as Demons. Significant instances of Parkinson's Disease and Fletcher's Syndrome. By the time the Human-Covenant War had ended, new techniques had been developed, allowing adults to be augmented without major risk. In this episode: Are Spartan-II Augmentations Possible? Contents 1 History 1.1 Background 1.2 Creation 1.3 Training 1.4 Human-Covenant War 1.5 Post-war survivors [26] Some Spartan-IIs are known to have taken part in the training of Spartan-IV personnel. However, the Spartans who did survive became the most effective soldiers to be ever fielded by humanity, with superhuman strength, reflexes and stamina as well as virtually unbreakable bones. Later models of the Mjolnir system are capable of carrying a starship-grade AI which can provide tactical data in the field. In particular, the decision drew the anger of Admiral Margaret Parangosky, Commander in Chief of ONI, who interrogated Halsey after her capture and demanded to know her reasoning for the use of flash clones. [notes 1] At some point in 2558, journalist Benjamin Giraud uncovered the origins of the program and uploaded his findings to the public network, along with delivering an unsanctioned testimony on the matter to the Unified Earth Government Senate's Armed Forces Committee. Catherine Halsey overlooks her Spartans as they undergo their augmentations. During one of his missions, he lost his left arm and left mandibles. ONI's own projections at that time and up to 2525[10] concluded the same as Dr. In. The Prelates' augmentations allowed them to overcome the San'Shyuum's natural frailty caused by generations of inbreeding and granted them strength, speed and reaction times sufficient to best even Sangheili in combat. So stop this non-sense about their augs being inferior when they were actually much more technologically advanced and safer. [22][29] SPARTAN-IIs are also known for their sharp eyesight, their occipital capillary reversal allowing them to virtually see in the dark. Their gains have attracted widespread attention in the hopes of improving human strength and endurance. [1] While many of the changes were ostensibly cosmetic and made for cultural reasons, others were designed to enhance a Forerunner's abilities. A member of Gray Team during the Battle of the Rubble in Halo: The Cole Protocol. The SPARTAN-II conscription and augmentation procedure from the eyes of our favorite SPARTAN. John-117 after augmentation The augmentations after performed, on the forearms of John-117. Candidates of prepubescent age were screened based on genetic markers/SNPs that are linked to positive fitness and decreased disease incidence. [24] At least three members of Omega Team managed to survive the war, though their current status is unknown. This specialized version of the neural interface is implanted into the skull of a Spartan-II. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Augmentations 3 Effects 3.1 Results 4 Gallery 5 Appearances 6 Sources Introduction [6], In the initial studies and research conducted on possible procedures, two of the proposed augmentations were rejected because of their risks and drawbacks. However, he ended up trapped in space on the back half of the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn and was declared missing in action. Most of them do not hold grudges over their abduction and treatment, instead having come to embrace their lives as a Spartan as both a necessity and something they were born to do. INTRODUCTION [4], The side effects of completing the augmentations varied, as the subject's brain re-learned how to move their body with faster reflexes and stronger muscles. 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