Some cases dated back to the 1960s, but the vast majority occurred since 2006. Efforts focused on implementation of the 2019 labor law reform that transformed the labor justice system. Minors were recruited or forced by cartels to traffic persons, drugs, or other goods across the border with the United States. Several indigenous communities denounced the governments plan to build the Mayan Train, an estimated $7.5 billion dual cargo-passenger railroad to cross the Yucatan Peninsula through indigenous lands. Between January and April the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes in the Attorney Generals Office initiated 14 investigations related to gender-based political violence against women. The country may be the top destination for U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring, leaving travelers questioning whether Mexico is safe to visit. Cancun is located in a conveniently placed right next to the Mexican Caribbean Sea. The National Guard is led by military officers, trained by the military, and composed largely of military troops. Their ebb and flow largely reflect choices and tit-for-tat responses by criminal groups toward one another. Regarding property crimes, the. The Zetas had transformed Mexico's criminal model by militarizing the practices of organized crime groups, which allowed them to control territories through access to sophisticated weaponry, the generation of terror and the extraction of rents from society through kidnapping and extortion of small and medium-sized businesses. And indeed, it doesnt respond. An additional February reform mandated pretrial detention for femicides, sexual violence against minors, forced disappearances, and corruption. Queretaro state Exercise Increased Caution. The CNB searches mass graves across the country. Climate change is expected to increase the severity of extreme weather events, requiring steps by the government to protect at-risk populations from their foreseeable harms, including food insecurity due to rising temperatures and droughts impacting crops. The Federal Center also carries out mandatory pre-judicial conciliations at the federal level, with local conciliation centers carrying out the same function at the state level. The constitution and law prohibit all forms of forced or compulsory labor, but the government did not effectively enforce the law. Federal government funding for womens shelters for the year was the same as in 2020. Of the 500 legislators in the Chamber of Deputies, 250 were women, 1 percent more than after the 2018 elections. Mexico endorsed the Safe Schools Declaration in May 2021. Despite these prohibitions, there were reports of security forces torturing suspects. Several indigenous communities brought legal actions to oppose the construction, many of which were dismissed or denied. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following areas with the noted restrictions: U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of the state of Michoacan, including the portions of theMonarch Butterfly Reservelocated in Michoacan. The Lpez Obrador government blames poor security on state authorities, and state authorities blame it on municipal ones. Freedom Houses 2021 Freedom on the Net report categorized the countrys internet as partly free, noting concerns regarding online manipulation tactics, potential for politicized content removals, high levels of violence against digital reporters, and investigations surrounding abusive surveillance practices. From 2013 through 2020, the CNDH received 3,799 complaints of military abuses. You can add more than one country or area. Legal and illegal fishermen and entire associations and industries feel they have no backup from the Mexican government to resist the narcos takeover. On January 11, the government ended migratory detention for children. Most newspapers, television stations, and radio stations were privately owned. The CNDH did not report on the merits of the complaints. Journalists could criticize the government and discuss matters of general interest with no restrictions. There were reports the government did not always investigate and punish those complicit in abuses against LGBTQI+ persons, especially outside Mexico City. Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico) Exercise Increased Caution. Under past governments, charging the military with these tasks has contributed to serious cover-ups of human rights abuses. U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Chihuahua, includingCopper Canyon. Under the Mrida Initiative, the U.S. often provided the crucial and only anti-corruption, anti-collusion oversight in Mexicos security strategiesand tactical operations as well as a stimulus and reinforcement to Mexicos will to take on criminal groups and the lack of rule of law. Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of State of the views or products contained therein. Between January and May there were an additional 20 complaints of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment against the National Guard, 20 against the army, and 11 against the National Migration Institute. In July 2020 legislators approved a law making all judicial sentences public. The CNDH maintained a human rights program to inform and assist members of indigenous communities. Yet the dismantling of the Federal Police also led to a profound reduction in the number of investigators and investigative capacity in Mexico by some 70-75%, Mexican lawyers and security officials estimated in conversations with me. See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at As of August 16, authorities had not arrested any suspects. Thus, they can act against crime and arrest people only when they see crime happeningin flagrancia. Since 2013, the number of applications received has nearly doubled every year. There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Mexico State. In July a joint investigation by media outlets reported a leaked Pegasus list of more than 15,000 individuals as possible targets for surveillance in 2016 and 2017. The National Guard, which began operations in 2019, is a civilian institution reporting to the Secretariat of Public Security and Civil Protection. Southern Utah University Department of Public Safety Monthly Crime Report October 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022 Date and Time Reported: 10/1/2022 0:41 Location: Eccles Housing Incident # S22-0583 Date and Time Occurred From-Occurred To: 10/1/2022 0:41 0:04 Incident: PI&E Synopsis: Assisted housing RA's with rounds. Lozoya accused high-level politicians representing multiple parties of complicity in his corrupt acts and was acting as a states witness in trials against them. Children also produced garments, leather goods, and illicit crops such as opium poppies; engaged in illicit activities such as the production and trafficking of drugs; and experienced sexual exploitation, often as a result of human trafficking. Mexicos foreign policy regarding human rights under the Lpez Obrador administration has been based on the principle of non-intervention. In June, Mexico criticized other countries in the region that had condemned the jailing of critics and opposition candidates in Nicaragua, saying that they were intervening in Nicaraguas internal affairs. In 2019 legislators passed a constitutional reform recognizing Afro-Mexicans as an ethnic group. Political Parties and Political Participation: For the electoral process, the National Electoral Institute (INE) established the Three Out of Three Against Violence initiative, which required candidates to declare any history of domestic violence, sexual offenses, or failure to pay alimony. Of particular concern is the high number of homicides in the non-tourist areas of Tijuana. MEXICO CITY MEXICO CITY (AP) Mexico's president said Tuesday his country is more democratic than the United States . As of 2023, the crime rate hit an all-time high of 80.29%. The year 2020 had the second-highest number of cases on record, with 8,626 reported missing or disappeared, down from 9,185 cases reported in 2019. In April the STPS suspended a legitimization vote at the General Motors plant in Silao, Guanajuato, due to serious irregularities during the vote. our office. Between January 1 and August 4, it received 4,119 reports of missing persons and located 3,805 alive and 277 deceased. Torture is widely practiced to obtain confessions and extract information. Some areas of Mexico have increased risk of crime and kidnapping. Criminal activity and violence may occur in any location, at any time, including in popular tourist destinations. There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees. In a June International Organization for Migration survey, 20 percent of citizens and 35 percent of third-country migrants reported using a smuggler to arrive to the U.S.-Mexico border. Birth Registration: Children derive citizenship both by birth within the countrys territory and from their parents. NGOs stated authorities failed to investigate torture allegations adequately. The federal government and states continued to implement the law on forced disappearances. Abuses of time limits on pretrial detention were endemic in state judicial systems. In March 2020 a federal judge issued an arrest warrant for Zeron on charges related to his conduct of the investigation, including torturing alleged perpetrators to force confessions, conducting forced disappearances, altering the crime scene, manipulating evidence, and failing to perform his duties. According to the measurement, which offers a balance for 2020, the capital of Potos has a rate of 37,400 victims per 100,000 inhabitants, only below Toluca, capital of the State of Mexico, with 38,300. Various news outlets showed a video of two National Migration Institute agents with riot gear and shields grabbing one migrant, knocking him to the ground, and kicking him. A warrant for arrest is not required if an official has direct evidence regarding a persons involvement in a crime, such as having witnessed the commission of a crime; in a 2018 report, the domestic think tank Mexico Evalua determined that 90 percent of all arrests fell under this category. Discrimination in employment or occupation occurred against women, indigenous groups, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ individuals, and migrant workers. The Lpez Obrador administration has been illegally expelling thousands of asylum seekers to Guatemala without due process, including many who were first expelled from the US into the custody of Mexican authorities. Security experts said government candidate protection programs, which did not cover all those eligible, had a negligible impact on curbing political violence. Federal law provides citizens the ability to choose their government through free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage. Only 5.2 percent of crimes committed in Mexico are solved, the nongovernmental group Mxico Evala reports. It failed to provide police protection or access to justice, work, health care, and education for the over 71,000 asylum seekers, including many families with children, sent to Mexico under the Remain in Mexico policy. The law mandates that all discrimination cases, including sexual harassment, bypass formerly mandatory conciliation and proceed directly to the labor courts. Some areas of Mexico have increased risk of crime and kidnapping. Law enforcement capacity is greater in the tri-city area of Tampico, Ciudad Madero, and Altamira, which has a lower rate of violent criminal activity compared to the rest of the state. State and municipal laws addressing domestic violence largely failed to meet the required federal standards and often were unenforced. Conditions in prisons and detention centers were often harsh and life threatening. Yesterday. Impunity for torture was prevalent among the security forces. In 2012, the federal government established the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, which provides bodyguards, armored cars, and panic buttons, and helps journalists temporarily relocate in response to serious threats. Federal law criminalizes spousal abuse. Mexican National Guard members arrest a migrant who tried crossing the Ro Bravo in Ciudad Jurez, Mexico on April 19, 2021, Share this via Facebook Toggle navigation lori goldstein husband As of July 13, a total of 3,501 prisoners had contracted COVID-19 and 75,162 had received vaccines, according to the CNDH. Violent crime and gang activity are common. In June media outlets reported that a fight between two rival groups of inmates left six inmates dead and nine wounded at a prison in Villahermosa, Tabasco. Moreover, security is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Posted 10:45 a.m. In April 2021, pro-government legislators passed a law extending the terms of the Supreme Court Chief Justice and members of the Federal Judiciary Council, which controls hiring and firing of judges. Violent crime and gang activity occur in parts of Coahuila state. The National Population Council reported that in 2020 there were 373,661 pregnancies in women younger than age 19 (30 percent above 2019), of which 8,876 were in girls ages 14 or younger. In the face of uninvestigated violence, many journalists self-censor. The government approved the National Work and Employment Program for People with Disabilities 2021-2024, aimed at strengthening labor inclusion of persons with disabilities and supporting the employment of persons with disabilities in decent work. In 2019, the Supreme Court issued a similar ruling arising from a case in Jalisco. High levels of impunity, including for killings or attacks on journalists, resulted in self-censorship and reduced freedom of expression and the press. The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, or asylum seekers, as well as other persons of concern. Violent crime is widespread. In many states, police presence and emergency services are extremely limited outside the state capital or major cities. Read thecountry information pagefor additional information on travel to Mexico. Indigenous persons generally had limited access to health care and education services. the U.S. Mission to Mexico was quick to assert safety levels in the region were compromised, . In November, the Supreme Court overturned the law, declaring it unconstitutional. The National Population Council estimated that in 2020 and 2021, a total of 1,172,000 women had limited access to contraceptives due to COVID-19. Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout Nayarit state. At all levels, police reform has mostly stalled. Detained migrants have said they were not given masks or soap and were denied medical treatment when they had symptoms of Covid-19. Women were more likely to experience discrimination in wages, working hours, and benefits. During the electoral season (September 2020 to June), assailants killed 36 candidates and 64 politicians. The official leading Mexicos response has called large-scale testing useless and a waste of time, despite the World Health Organizations insistence on the importance of testing. State-level prosecutors reported investigating at least 199 cases involving child trafficking victims in 2020. Federal law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention in court; however, the government sometimes failed to observe these requirements. Battles for territory between criminal groups have resulted in violent crime in areas frequented by U.S. citizens and U.S. government employees, including restaurants and malls during daylight hours. Between January and August the CNDH recorded 123 complaints of arbitrary detention. Since President Lpez Obrador took office, the National Council on People with Disabilities, the principal government body coordinating efforts to implement disability rights, has been effectively non-operational. According to a 2019 National Child Labor Survey, the number of children ages five to 17 in child labor, including in hazardous household work, was 3.3 million, or approximately 11.5 percent of children in the country. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. Mexico's homicide rate has been rising every year since 2014 but it remains well below those of other countries worldwide. What we know: - The suburb of Iztapalapa is the most densely populated area of Mexico City. In June the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision confirming that the exercise of the right to strike suspends the processing of collective conflicts of an economic nature that may be pending before the court and the topics that they present, unless the workers express in writing their agreement to submit the conflict to the decision of the court. By law a union may call for a strike or bargain collectively in accordance with its own statutes. Administration: Authorities did not always conduct investigations into credible allegations of mistreatment. Police occasionally failed to provide impoverished detainees access to counsel during arrests and investigations as provided for by law, although the right to public defense during trial was generally respected. Citizens have access to an independent judiciary in civil matters to seek civil remedies for human rights abuses. If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message. The government rarely investigated cases of alleged abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Section 1. As of September authorities made no arrests regarding the 2020 killing of prominent indigenous and environmental rights defender Homero Gomez. Federal law sets six eight-hour days and 48 hours per week as the legal workweek. From January to August the Mexican Commission to Assist Refugees (COMAR) received 77,559 applications for refugee status, a 41 percent increase from the same period in 2019, and anticipated that it would receive up to 120,000 applications in total by the end of the year. Human rights and environmental activists, many from indigenous communities, continued to be targets of violence. Brazen homicides persist at unacceptable levels. He has vowed to amend the constitution to overcome legal challenges to these policies. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. The stories are sobering. Freedom of Expression for Members of the Press and Media, Including Online Media: Independent media were active and expressed a wide variety of views without restriction but often self-censored due to fear of reprisal. Yet the criminal groups capacities to hold turf often remains flimsy, with groups like CJNG brazenly seeking to conquer entire territories withdrone-mounted bombs, and groups like the Sinaloa Cartel taking over legal and illegal economies and politics in a more buttoned-down and less blatant manner, but no less systematically. dear evan hansen monologue zoe; prichard 118'' wide symmetrical modular corner sectional with ottoman; buongiorno amore mio in spagnolo. Prescription Pills Laced With Meth, Fentanyl Sold in Northern Mexico Pharmacies: Report. Civil society organizations, however, reported that the number of labor inspections was not sufficient to secure compliance. The most common aggressions were intimidation and harassment, followed by threats and physical attacks, according to civil society groups. Whether in high-value targeting, countering violence and criminality in natural resources, or suppressing robberies and extortion, Mexicos various military and law enforcement forces are instructed to only undertake operations without the visible use of force even when criminal militias take over new territories and declare autonomy, or cartels bomb local populations. In its data collection, the government often merged statistics on forcibly disappeared persons with missing persons not suspected of being victims of forced disappearance, making it difficult to compile accurate statistics on the extent of the problem. The federal government created a National System for the Search of Missing Persons as required by law, but as of August it had not established the required National Forensic Data Bank. The state search commission paused all search efforts between May and June due to increased levels of insecurity for family search collectives, according to civil society groups. On April 24, congress approved a reform to the labor law aimed at banning subcontracting of personnel for core or main economic activities in the public and private sectors. In September 2021, the Defense Ministry admitted that at least 47 people had been killed or injured by the armed forces during the Lpez Obrador presidency, according to information obtained through transparency requests by Mexican journalists. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor, c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment, d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation. Intimidation and harassment, bypass formerly mandatory conciliation and proceed directly to mexico crime and safety report 2022 Secretariat of Public security and Protection... 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