Percutaneous disc decompression using coblation for lower back pain. This procedure relies on a patented technology referred to as Coblation, in which the SpineWand applies a high-frequency electric current directly to the saline medium inside the disc, generating a tightly focused field of highly energized molecules around the tip of the wand. The authors concluded that IDET offers functionally significant relief in approximately 50 % of appropriately chosen chronic discogenic LBP patients. Ex-vivo, ablating with 5 W induced histological denaturation of collagen at the dorsal annulus, correlating with a rise in temperature to at least 60 C. list-style-type: decimal; Korean J Pain. Shah RV, Lutz GE, Lee J, et al. height:2px; The data come mostly from observational studies of poor-level evidence whose main limitation is lack of comparison against control groups treated using conventional strategies (analgesics and physical therapy). This is the first I, or my family member, has heard of this place and seems like a better choice rather than surgery. How Is Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Done? Cincu R, Lorente Fde A, Gomez J, et al. Not only does IntraDiscNutrsosis help relieve your pain, it also treats the cause of your pain - drugs, therapies, epidurals and new pain lasers only treat your pain, but do not treat the cause of your pain your bad disc. Treatment patients reported a reduction of 16mg daily intake of opioids at 6 months; however, the results were not statistically different from sham patients. All rights reserved. Chemaly has halted VAX-D in patients who experience pain during the procedure. The authors concluded that in chronic LBP associated with active discopathy, a single GC-IDI reduced LBP at 1 month but not at 12 months. Allan E. Dyer, MD, PhD, who developed VAX-D, explains how the treatment "fixes" herniated disks, a frequent cause of lower back pain: "Your bones are separated by a cushion. Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine. However, these results need to be confirmed in prospective, randomized trials. Therefore, you should not expect to have similar results, because every patients situation is unique. .newText { His pain was worse when the neck was held in one position for a prolonged period. Injections of concentrated bone marrow aspirate as treatment for discogenic pain: A retrospective analysis. 20 reviews of Nerve & Disc Institute: Clinton Township "Dr Mannella helped me so much, that I was able to cancel my back surgery. The authors concluded, "Nonspecific factors associated with the procedure account for a proportion of the apparent efficacy of IDET, but its efficacy cannot be attributed wholly to a placebo effect. The wand is introduced into the intervertebral disc through a small needle, and is advanced and withdrawn across the diameter of the disc several times, alternately dissolving disc material and thermally coagulating the channels left behind after removal of tissue. Group B appeared to be more effective, with a statistically significant difference, compared with group A regarding the secondary objectives of the study. OL OL OL LI { A total of 8 observational studies were included in the systematic review and 4 randomized trials in the meta-analysis. The authors concluded thatthe evidence is fair for IDET and poor for discTRODE; and biacuplasty is being evaluated in 2 ongoing RCTs. Now you have a proven alternative to invasive procedures like surgery or epidural injections. The authors concluded that while limited by loss-to-follow-up, the findings of this study suggested that treatment of discogenic lumbosacral radicular pain with Dekompressor resulted in decreased leg pain and disability and favorable satisfaction at long-term follow-up. Wolff and colleagues (2020) noted that there are an overwhelming number of patients suffering from LBP resulting from disc pathology. Azzazi A, AlMekawi S, Zein M, et al. Helm S, Hayek SM, Benyamin RM, Manchikanti L. Systematic review of the effectiveness of thermal annular procedures in treating discogenic low back pain. background-color: #663399; these investigators did not perform a previous diagnostic block for patients selection, and therefore the diagnosis and selection of patients relied on a careful clinical examination, the lack of measurement of physical activity levels before and after the treatment, and. The California Technology Assessment Forum (CTAF) conducted a technology review (2003) of IDET and concluded that IDET with the Radionics Radiofrequency system and with the Oratec IDET system did not meet CTAF technology assessment criteria. Int Orthop. #backTop:hover { Sanders NR. The authors reported that no serious adverse events in either arm of the study occurred, without defining serious adverse events. Ren DJ, Liu XM, Du SY, et al. If this study demonstrated that this treatment is potentially safe and effective, and the methods and procedures used in this study are feasible, a RCT would follow. The groups did not differ in LBP intensity at 12 months and in most secondary outcomes at 1 and 12 months. Most patients who experience pain with VAX-D have spinal stenosis along with herniated discs, Chemaly says. Percutaneous discectomy for disc herniation. Int Orthop. Nucleoplasty-treated levels were L2to L3 (1 case), L3to L4 (5 cases), L4to L5 (44 cases), and L5 - S1 (40 cases); there were 22 multiple treatment levels and 42 bilateral treatments. From September 2004 to November 2006, 172 patients underwent percutaneous nucleoplasty for chronic LBP in the authors department; 41 patients were followed-up for a mean period of 67 months. 2012;15(2):E115-E129. Marin FZ. color: blue Ceylan A, Asik I, Ozgencil GE, Erken B. Further, subjects were lost to follow-up; of 43 subjects who underwent treatment intervention, 3 (7 %) did not report outcomes for the full 6-month duration of the study. This paradigm was consistent with the intention of the study to test C-RFA as a rescue intervention for knee OA, rather than long-standing, conservative IAS. Reduction in analgesic treatment was also recorded. Patients demonstrated statistically significant improvements in several parameters including flexion, pain ratings, VAS, PPI, and SF-12 questionnaires. In addition, the rationale of provocative discography, selective nerve root injections, and intra-op discograms before performing PDD was discussed in detail. The disc is living tissue that has significant mechanisms for self-repair, this is a proven physiological fact. Intradiscal electrothermal treatment for chronic discogenic low back pain: Prospective outcome study with a minimum 2-year follow-up. Percutaneous disc decompression using coblation for lower back pain. Jerry has already been off work for a month and with the . 2016;17(6):1010-1022. One intradiscal, 1 intra-articular facet, and 1 transforaminal epidural injection of PRGF-Endoret under fluoroscopic guidance-control were performed in 86 patients with chronic LBP in the operating theater setting. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. The authors concluded that they demonstrated that intradiscal injection of autologous PRP releasate in patients with LBP was safe, with no AEs observed during follow-up. Two reviewers independently assessed the quality of the studies, extracted data from the included studies, and analyzed the data. Improvement in pain and disability scores and 12 month post-injection MRI were compared to patient demographics and BMC cellularity. Idk. Banken R. Intradiscal electrothermal therapy for discogenic low back pain. Randomized prospective trial of cooled versus traditional radiofrequency ablation of the medial branch nerves for the treatment of lumbar facet joint pain. The primary outcome measure was pain relief of at least 6 months. It is not physical therapy, chiropractic care, pain management, injections, or spinal surgery. After several tests showed a herniated disk and lumbar stenosis (narrowing of the spine in the lower back), he reluctantly scheduled back surgery. A single trial that examined MSCs was negative. First, although silk materials have numerous excellent biological and physical properties, they still cannot meet the requirements of human musculoskeletal system regeneration. A blinded interim analysis was performed when 20 patients had been followed for6 months. The disc is a viscoelastic structure and possesses various biomechanical properties that are necessary for proper spinal function. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. to limit the bias of a single assessment, the self-reported VAS pain scale should have been associated with other health survey questionnaires that encompass pain and functional evaluation. We take what we do very serious and have had third party research done to validate our outcomes, which was published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.We are also pleased to announce that one of the co-author's of our research paper is a world famous neurosurgeon who was the head professor of . Lee J, Lutz GE, Campbell D, et al. Now you have a proven alternative to invasive procedures like surgery or epidural injections. The quality of individual articles was assessed based on the modified Cochrane review criteria for randomized trials and criteria from the AHRQ. /*margin-bottom: 43px;*/ Patients were followed-up at 1 and 3 months post-procedure. Two patients had increased symptoms and opted for surgery. 2016;16(4):405-412. Pain Pract. A Cochrane systematic review (Gibson, 2005) concluded that the effectiveness of IDET remained unproven. A total of 43 patients were randomized to MBN C-RFA (n = 21) or T-RFA (n = 22). Patients with selected lumbar herniated disc radicular leg pain, unresponsive to conservative management, may be offered O2-O3 treatment as an effective treatment before microdiscectomy. J Spinal Disord. The primary outcome was the proportion of individuals with greater than or equal to 50 % pain relief after intradiscal biologic injection at 6 months. Spine J. The bones of your spine form a spinal canal, which protects your spinal cord (nerves). A total of 20 patients with chronic LBP and a positive 1-level pressure-controlled provocation discography were randomized to either intra-annular PIRFT or intra-annular sham treatment. Rahimi-Movaghar V, Eslami V. The major efficient mechanisms of ozone therapy are obtained in intradiscal procedures. San Francisco, CA: CTAF; February 13, 2002. No AEs were observed after the condoliase treatment, and the pain radiating to the left leg improved within 2 weeks. A review of the literature of the effectiveness of the Nucleoplasty procedure for managing discogenic pain was performed according to the criteria for observational studies using a "Quality Index" scale to determine the methodological quality of the literature. Mean VAS scores were 7.28 and 3.03 points (p < 0.001) while mean ODI scores were 32.46 and 20.48 points (p < 0.001) at the beginning and at the 12th month, respectively. Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that may help relieve back pain. Pain Med. In a retrospective, single-center study, Park and colleagues (2019) compared the therapeutic success of RF (an intradiscal procedure) and laser annuloplasty (both an intradiscal and extradiscal procedure). The authors also reported, "Transient radiculopathy (less than 6 weeks) was reported in 4 study participants who underwent IDET and in 1 study participant who underwent the sham procedure." Of these, 3 RCTs and 1 observational study met the inclusion criteria. It is common practice to prescribe opioids on an as needed basis. The Nerve & Disc Institutes IntraDiscNutrosis. A heterogeneous group of 5 faculty members, assisted by Pain Medicine fellows, performed these procedures; difference in experience level with the procedural technique may have influenced patient outcomes, although this heterogeneity did improve generalizability of the reported findings. Spine Surg Relat Res. In principle, VAX-D works by alternately stretching and relaxing the lower spine, thereby relieving pressure on structures in the back (the "cushion" disks and vertebral bones)structures in the back (the "cushion" disks and vertebral bones) that cause low back pain. Canberra, ACT: MSAC; 2002. Intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty for the management of chronic discogenic pain: A review of current concepts and the literature. Interested In learning more? 2019;44(3):389-397. The Nerve & Disc Institute's IntraDiscNutrosis (using DiscLogix) treatment program is a medical breakthrough for people suffering from bulging discs, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, stenosis, sciatica, and other disc-related symptoms. CAM versus nucleoplasty. Spine. A total of 135 patients with chronic LBP with active discopathy on MRI were included in this analysis. 2017;15(1):12. Nezer D, Hermoni D. Percutaneous discectomy and intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation for low back pain: Evaluation according to the best available evidence. 2001;11(4). The results were published in a peer-reviewed medical journal and were co-authored by a world-famous neurosurgeon who was the head professor of neurosurgery at Harvard University and the inventor of many medical devices still used to this day. The primary outcome measure was the change in VAS from baseline to 6-months. Pettine KA, Suzuki RK, Sand TT, Murphy MB. Ina prospective, multi-center, randomized, controlled trial, Gersztenand colleagues (2010)assessed clinical outcomes with percutaneous plasma disc decompression (PDD) as compared with standard care using fluoroscopy-guided trans-foraminal epidural steroid injection (TFESI) over the course of 2 years. Twelve-month follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing intradiscal biacuplasty to conventional medical management for discogenic lumbar back pain. A total of 209 patients with protrusive lumbar disc herniation underwent percutaneous ablation decompression treatment using an intradiscal routable electrode (L-Disq) in the authors pain clinic; VAS and ODI scores were recorded at the beginning and at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 12th months following treatment. Moreover, they stated that this study presented level IV evidence; however, longer term prospective studies are needed to prove this and to evaluate its role in the treatment of patients with CLDH. Gibson JA, Waddell G. Surgery for degenerative lumbar spondylosis. The heat energy applied through the coil causes the disc to shrink, thereby reducing discal pressure. It is not physical therapy, chiropractic care, pain management, injections, or spinal surgery. The authors concluded that in patients who had radicular pain associated with a contained lumbar disc herniation, PDDresulted insignificantly reduced pain and better quality of life scores than repeated TFESI. Or, they were simultaneously given oral steroids [to treat] sciatica, making it hard to determine what improved the pain," Mazanec tells WebMD. Overgrowth of bone, tumor growth, or herniated discs can also lead to the development of spinal stenosis. Kristin C, Robert S, Michelle P. Effects of the intradiscal implantation of stromal vascular fraction plus platelet rich plasma in patients with degenerative disc disease. Spine. A total of 30 patients (17 women, 13 men) with the mean age of 58.6 years (range of 42 to 73 ) enrolled in the study. A randomized double-blind clinical study. Larger scale population studies are needed to provide further evidence to validate these findings. Ceylan and colleagues (2019) noted that DDD is one of the main causes of LBP. Nakajima H, Kubota A, Maezawa Y, et al. "With VAX-D, there is no substitution for good physical therapy. A preliminary report. Functional status of ODI was 28.5 2.1 before intervention and showed significant reduction after 2 weeks (with the mean of 12.3), and it was almost sustained till 6th months after intervention, with the mean of 11.4 (p = 0.001). "For those patients who did report benefits, the benefit was very short lived. Surgery may help relieve symptoms from pressure on the spinal cord or nerves, including: Your doctor may suggest one or more types of back surgeries to relieve the pressure in your spine. In a systematic review, these researchers examined the latest research on silk scaffolds in musculoskeletal TE applications within the past decade. Moreover, they stated that a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is needed to address the effectiveness of the procedure. These investigators also noted that there is insufficient (poor) evidence from randomizedtrials (conflicting trials, sparse and lower quality data, or no randomized trials) to reliably evaluate IDET and coblation Nucleoplasty. One week after the operation, obvious amelioration occurred in all the patients, but the tendency decreased. Since 2 RCTs are in progress on that procedure, assessment of biacuplasty may change upon publication of those studies. These researchers stated that additional studies are needed to identify which subset of patients with discogenic LBP are most likely to experience the highest and most consistent benefits from this minimally invasive autologous therapy, and how effective this therapy is when compared to control therapies. A total of 15 patients underwent a local tumescent liposuction procedure to remove approximately 60 ml of fat tissue. P/N 07743. 2006) reported that the diagnosis of internal disc disruption was surrounded by controversy and that the effect of IDET was not well understood. Sunnyvale, CA: ArthroCare; 2001. At 6-months patients in the CMM-alone group were eligible for cross-over if desired. Systematic review of the effectiveness of thermal annular procedures in treating discogenic low back pain. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI). The authors noted that one limitation of this study was that the significant improvements in pain were not corroborated by any secondary outcomes. ", Technology assessments from several state agencies have also emphasized the need for prospective randomized controlled clinical studies of IDET. I tried physical therapy, yoga, spinal injections and none of those helped at all. A total of 42 cases of protruded lumbar intervertebral disc treated by coblation Nucleoplasty followed-up for 2 years were analyzed. B. Sunnyvale, CA: ArthroCare; 2001. PIRFT is performed using the Radionics RF Disc Catheter System or the DiscTRODE. color:#eee; eMedicine J. Pain reduction at 12 months was statistically significant and clinically meaningful in the original IDB + CMM group compared to baseline. Sayhan and associates (2018) stated that radiopaque gelified ethanol (RGE; DiscoGel, Gelscom SAS, France) has been employed in the treatment of cervical disc herniations (CDHs), demonstrating the potential efficacy of this substance. This disorder can be caused by simple wear and tear over time, especially in patients with osteoarthritis. Sedation was performed in the prone position in the operating room, and a C-arm was located so as to provide a lateral view of the surgical field. Endres SM, Fiedler GA, Larson KL. Moderate and severe physical disability prior to treatment (96.6 %) was reduced to less than 30 % after 12 months. Although several strategies are being developed pre-clinically, simple strategies to treat the large number of patients currently affected is still needed. 2017;41(10):2097-2103. 2005;30(21):2369-2377. Pain. Patients with positive diagnostic MBN blocks (greater than 75 % relief) were randomized to MBN C-RFA or T-RFA. Turk J Med Sci. In addition, several patients were lost to follow-up that could have created patient bias. 2016;40(6):1321-1328. Less than 50 % of the authors selected cohort of patients reported symptomatic improvement at 1-month follow-up. The authors concluded that intradiscal MB injection could reduce pain severity and improve the ODI score in individuals with discogenic LBP. AccessedJanuary 15, 2002. Intradiscal injections of biologic agents such as PRP or SC are theorized to have regenerative properties and have gained increasing interest as a possible treatment; however, the evidence supporting their use in clinical practice is not yet well-defined. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. In addition, the reference lists of all included studies were manually searched. VAX-D Medical Technologies, manufacturer of VAX-D, recommends the treatment for people suffering from herniated or degenerated disks resulting in low back pain and/or sciatica. Patients were evaluated at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months post-operatively, and were asked to quantify their pain using a VAS ranging from 0 to 10. The authors concluded that although Nucleoplasty appeared to be a safe minimally invasive procedure, the value of this new technique for the treatment of discogenic LBP remains as yet unproven. Percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation for chronic discogenic low back pain. 2019;49(6):1634-1639. In the future, more clinical trials of silk scaffolds with tissue specificity are needed to validate their clinical applications. BlueCross BlueShield Association (BCBSA), Technology Evaluation Center (TEC). Yakovlev A, Tamimi MA, Liang H, Eristavi M. Outcomes of percutaneous disc decompression utilizing nucleoplasty for the treatment of chronic discogenic pain. Accessed January 15, 2002. Moreover, they stated that the study had several drawbacks, including lack of a control group, or blinding. Intradiscal electrothermal therapy for chronic low back pain. Pauza KJ, Howell S, Dreyfuss P, et al. O2-O3 treatment performed as outpatient day surgeries, included a one-time intradiscal injection delivered at a concentration of 35 3 g/cc of O2-O3 by a calibrated delivery system. Gerszten PC, Smuck M, Rathmell JP, et al; SPINE Study Group. These investigators performed a literature review of in-vitro, in-vivo, and clinical studies. Aetna Inc. and its subsidiary companies are not responsible or liable for the content, accuracy, or privacy practices of linked sites, or for products or services described on these sites. J Spinal Disord Tech. The following keywords and search terms were used: musculoskeletal, tendon, ligament, intervertebral disc, muscle, cartilage, bone, silk, and tissue engineering. Clinical trial comparing intradiscal biacuplasty to conventional medical management for discogenic pain: Evaluation according to the development of stenosis! 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