London Dry is the best known (think Tanqueray or Bombay Sapphire) and is notable for its juniper-forward profile. Please dont let one bad experience, like New Amsterdam turn you off from hundreds of gins, some quite excellent: If youre a fan of the slightly more traditional in gins, try Halcyon Gin from Seattle; Denver Dry Gin from Mile High in Denver [both very classic], . Need a better cap. Gin. Lacking that, this gin has an interesting flavor not sure that I like it enough to make it a staple in my cabinet. No, not all gin necessarily needs to have juniper berries in order to be classified as gin. Nothing there, bland. It wasnt the worst of the lot (that honor was reserved for Hadley & Sons paint thinner labeled as a gin), but it wasnt memorable. Jusr tried this product and it really doesnt taste like gin to me. Smells like it too. Thanks! EVERYTHING in this review is spot on (fake citrus included). Or as the above poster said, theres also Dorothy Parker (as the above poster said), I absolutely love it. Citrus and gin go hand in hand. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The gin is a refreshing change for summer however, the review is repetitive (citrus forward) and pretentious. Secondly, can you eat juniper berries in gin? If anyone can help me figure this out: Im a bartender and sommelier, and no other liquor or alcohol gives me an instant headache except for New Amsterdam Gin. This summer, I decided to try a variety of gins: Tanqueray no, because I knew I didnt like it in toonies, only with tonic; tried Hendricks often because its so smooth/mild; Bombay Sapphire good (but Im still disappointed because my toonies dont turn out blue thats only the bottle what a scam!). The Most Juniper Forward Gins for Diehard Gin Lovers. Plymouth With 7 botanicals and a touch of sugar, Plymouth is a distinctly different gin. (Take that, tequila, lol). Lousy gin. But fake citrus is not a flavor I particularly like in my cocktails or drinks. this is a lovely G & T gin, smooth as silk with no rough edges. Unfortunately, juniper is in short supply in England today due to the loss of wild habitat. For . every 4-5 days was a bit much, so today I decided to buy New Amsterdam 1.75 liter @ $20, cant beat that, can you? bought a bottle and poured a chilled bit over a few olives. cant get it in British Columbia can anymore , A great camping gin, mostly because of the nice thick bottle that wont break bouncing around in the tent trailer. Going back to Beefeaters. In the past, we have warned against eating juniper berries for fear that they might upset the stomach or irritate the kidneys. If You Drink Gin Every Night You May Be Able To Reduce Water Retention. Add the vegetable glycerine, juniper berries, and 150ml of water into the blender. Way too much orange for a gin, really just a flavored vodka. The juniper berries are an essential component of the remedy. Unduly harsh reviews for a fairly smooth drink. At 47% it is aimed more at bartenders and cocktail-creators. This London Dry gin has an ABV of 37.5% and has a distinct taste of juniper. Good with seltzer and lime, lime Perrier, or ginger ale. Just tried this product and it really doesnt taste like gin to me. Get it delivered to your door in under 60 minutes. I found it patently uninteresting. The reliance on root botanicals here gives this Gin a mellow, earthy undertone that highlights the bright juniper and spice tones. In fact, as others have said, it tastes like flavored vodka. Ive always liked gin, and tangueray was my go to. And the flavour of juniper comes from juniper berries. According to a study by Asthma UK , 64 percent of asthmatics surveyed claimed that drinking alcohol worsened their condition. Have tried all the gins, and of course, some are spectacular, but none do the trick day in and day out like New Amsterdam. Drinkable, but the gin isnt doing much for it. Yes, a bit much sugary & low on the botannicals for my taste. Five stars for NA Gin. Gin is an alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation from a base of grain (wheat or barley). If you had worked harder at school you would not have even tried it, obviously I tried it because I left school at 14 I now wish I had turned up as this has made me see the error of my ways! New Amsterdam Gin is crafted with botanicals, citrus & a nod to juniper. I agree 100% with this review. I am a convert now permanently to lower congener spirits. Genever is a very distinctive style of juniper spirit and is the forerunner to the London dry gin style which . (I didnt even finish a bottle once!). Its not that all alcohol worsens asthma or allergies. This was a FREE, big-ass bottle of gin that I will probably use in some type of a punch-bowl concoction on a hot summer day down at the river. I am a gin lover, this gin is awful, the hint of Angelica is a horrible final tasteI am so disappointed. New Amsterdam renewed my love of the gin martini. Just because it is juniper-dominated, don't go thinking of it as Dutch gin. Gin is a colorless spirit obtained by distilling an aqueous mixture of alcohol together with aromatic plant materials, generally juniper berries (Juniperus communis L.), to which water and alcohol and at times fruit juices, extracts, and/or essential oils of fruits may be added. I think I should start my own review site. Sure, it can certainly have other herbs or spices added to it such as rose petals, coriander, lavender, or mint, but at its core, it must have juniper berries. It isnot the same product as the original. Makes the perfect martini with just a rinse of Noilly Prat. Gins makeup helps to relieve achy joints and gout, and its alcohol content coupled with the juniper berries can be an effective treatment for chronic pain and inflammations, such as arthritis. Except for the occasional grammatical errors, I found this to be lovely writing. But where exactly does an up-scaled New Amsterdam fit? Tried the vodka at my daughters and found very smooth. Its a inexpensive gin that will have fans of classic style gins crying uncle. Fans of contemporary gins may find something to like here, but seasoned gin drinkers will likely have already found a gin of this style that does it with a little more grace and without the cloying sweet notes. I first discovered New Amsterdam in its introduction around 2000, apparently it took a while since it has been around for 400 years. It is a blend of two or more distillates: first, a whiskey-like triple distillate made of corn, wheat . It does taste somewhat artificial and a little flat, but look at its price range. I will probably prefer other gins after this one, but I will definitely enjoy this one, relaxed & will take the walk another day. Very good mixing gin where you expect to taste the gin and not submerge it in the mixer, like a gimlet or a strong gin and tonic. Confusingly, sloe gin is actually a gin liqueur, despite . I simply cannot drink it and have no idea why. Secondly, Stratusphere Gin is also bottled at a higher ABV in the bottle. Will never get it again. But sometimes you crave that piney, juniper flavor for a cocktail, like say a Martini, or a Gimlet. ByPam LeBlanc in40 Acres, onMarch 1, 2019 at 9:00 am |. Thanks for reading and keep enjoying gin, whether you agree with me or not. New Amsterdam tastes like someone dissolved orange-flavored childrens aspirin in vodka. Bombay Sapphire Gin is a gin made from 10 botanical ingredients. The original was a bit nasty. Loved it and that became a regular event at 5pm on the porch. A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers.It is not a true berry, but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which gives it a berry-like appearance. Escubac The juniper berry is known for imparting the traditional pine note of gin, although it can also come across as resiny, waxy, herbaceous, or even green and fresh. It really does taste like an artifically flavored orange vodka. New Amsterdam gin is definitely not for martini drinkers. New Amsterdam Gin is a distilled spirit made from grain, and therefore does contain gluten. My daughter found this when we in the third and last week of our holiday in Florida. Greg Kong, Head Bartender at New York City's Kimika, a Japanese-Italian fusion restaurant, is a huge fan and was quick to sing this gin's praises. I think Aarons being generousId rate it zero stars if I could. But then again, I like to read, and I like to write. Its nothing special, but if Im on a budget its kind of a go to. . We dont penalize spirits for having a different take on gin. Another J. squamata worthy of specimen status is 'Floreant', which has tweedy, two-toned foliage in a nice, tidy bun shape. Gallo rocks in both the wine and spirits world!!! Well, if it it makes you feel better, fine, go for it. The mix below produces a fragrant gin that's light and refreshing. Overall, Gordons London Dry Gin is nothing too unique, but it does everything great. If Im on a budget its just going into a gin and tonic where it will add some character and play well. I was looking for something more. Good God The alcohol will kill ANYTHING you are allergic to.. its psychosomatic my friend. Juniper berries are an incredibly healthy fruit that carry a multitude of medicinal benefits. The spirit is slightly more aromatic and is more nuanced in flavor than New Amsterdam's plain orange circus. Its slightly better than the uber cheapo stuff you see on the bottom shelf, or the crap you catch less than honest bartenders using as well booze. All gins contain juniper. (Much better than New Amsterdam. As a wise sage once said: Opinions are like ass-holes, everyone has one. This is what you get when you make Triple Sec and put it in a bottle labeled gin. This is what you get from a company called New Amsterdam that is based in California instead of New York. We both loved it, very different but very drinkable with a slice of lemon and not too much tonic. OK, orangey it is for sure. From its role as early innovator in gin production to being one of the only things that could and God forgive them make Idris Elba look mildly unattractive, here are 11 things you need to . But because they grow on evergreen trees, their flavor is nothing near what a sweet berry tastes like. The most damning thing I could say about it is that is has a momentary take away of cough syrup, but its very slight and doesnt make it undrinkable. Keep up the good work, New Amsterdam. It has a very noticeable lime without obscurring any of the other botanicals. Firstly, New Amsterdam Stratusphere Gin is aLondon Dry Gin and says so right on the bottle. The tree is native to North America, Europe, northern Asia, and Japan. Bitter orange early with some sweet, spice facets as well. Great job guys. It was completely obscured, and didnt add anything to the cocktail. Had this in a couple of G&Ts and going to give the bottle away or dump it. Anyway, honeyed citrus salad, fresh lemon, and a clean, crisp finish. Thats not to say that I found the review overly un-fair. Beefeater Gin, and Haymans London Dry have an easily discernible orange note. As an emerging gin enthusiast, I bought a bottle because, frankly, buying Dorothy Parker or Miller or other favorites is not something I can sustain too regularly and still put my kids through college. It makes a very good martini though better with a lemon twist than an olive, to complement its citrusy flavor. 2023 New Amsterdam Spirits Company, Modesto, CA. Different strokes for different folks. Diane. Bombay Sapphires recipe is based on 10 botanicals. Its a richer gin as well, with a fairly dense, creamy texture. cant find it in much of Minnesota. Skip. Experimentation is the key and failure is not so bad when you drink your mistakes (I was a chemistry major in college and you could not drink your failures but as I type this the Purple Jesus does come to mind). Not to stray from the subject too far, there is a tiny, American distillery in Gloucester, MA that makes an interesting gin. . Had I paid for the 750ml bottle, even at its bargain price, I wouldve been mad at myself. And if my research is correct, I dont think Ill be liking any American gin, but just to be democratic Ill try them. I wish I had read this blog before I splurged on a small bottle of New Amsterdam. Wiki User. Recommended Reading: Monkey Shoulder Flaviar. A mimosa overdosa? If price is a concern, Id go with the Gordons every time. Gin is a distilled alcoholic drink that derives its predominant flavour from . I have tried other gins that are loved by gin drinkers and the difference really is obvious. Gin originated as a medicinal liquor made by monks and alchemists across Europe, particularly in southern Italy, Flanders and the Netherlands, to provide aqua vita from distillates of grapes and grains. I love gin and drink from other distilleries regularly. Gin was first made in the Netherlands it derives its name from the Dutch word for juniper. Btw. My favorite Gin reviled. That said, I am enjoying this gin. Citrus. Id like to dispel that notion first and foremost. For this classical recipe, you will need a 750ml of Vodka into a container of your choice, add one ounce of Juniper berries, and give the mixture a shake! That being said, New Amsterdam Stratusphere Gin doesnt lend itself as well in a Dry Martini orGin and Tonic with unflavored tonic. Its not really a good example of the style, and definitely doesnt do justice to the distillers who try to create new flavors while keeping juniper in the background. Extra star for price. Botanical: Juniper Juniper is in 100% of spirits that are designated as gins. Juniper is an afterthought, but thats not really this gins primary issue. Its a classic, old school London Dry gin. It reminds me of a slightly less smooth version of Chases Seville Orange Gin, or a more citrus-forward (and still less smooth) version of Pinckney Bend Gin and Bluecoat Gin. Fermented beverages, like beer and red wine, contain histamine and sulfites which are essentially kryptonite to people with seasonal allergies. Gin is required to have an infusion of juniper berries in the final product. A hefty 29 botanicals make up the gin, and some of them are quite unexpected, such as California Bay, Hibiscus and two kinds of mushrooms. Depends on the selection available, but sadly grocery stores and smaller liquor stores tend to be limited. Theres a big difference between the junipers used in dry and sweet gins. More recently, it has appeared in West Texas, where the berries have their roots. This is a gin for folks who dont like gin, plain and simple. It is great fun to read. The finish is heavy with Seville orange mellowed with some streaks of red grapefruit flesh, and citron as well. Sh*t, now I see why. New Amsterdam Stratusphere Gin is a new release from E. & J. Gallo Winery, makers of New Amsterdam Gin. Ki No Bi practices a very different distillation process than most gins by individually distilling six categories of botanicals: base, citrus, tea, herbal, spice and floral. Filter through a fine-mesh strainer. Now Ive got a nearly full bottle that Ill have to find some use for. The gin certainly isnt a bad flavor (I actually like its citrus-y flavor even if its kind of fake) but its disappointing if youre expecting a gin flavor. Oh yeah.this is about Gin. For years, the inexpensive gin scene was dominated by London dry gins. I am a big fan of this gin, probably for the very reasons others dislike it. $15, Buy Now. Here atThe Gin is IN weve prided ourselves in reviewing contemporary style gins as spirits worthy of discussion on their own merits. The worst kind of snob who ends sentences in prepositions has gotta be a contender for sweetest and most concise self-defeating irony in an internet comment. Let it sit for at least 4 hours. I truly love lime just ice GIN and Tonic, must be Sweepes tonic or it will taste bad.Love the gin just have a gripe with CAP. Top off your evening with a top-notch cocktail. Especially with a touch of olive brine added. Gin allows me to go on a foraging adventure in the mountains, but I also find it the most botanically interesting spirit. The New Amsterdam rep was passing out samples from a decanter filled with New Amsterdam Gin sitting in ice. Fake citrus flavors abound. With 22 juniper berries being used in every bottle, it is safe to say that Beefeater London Dry Gin has the most juniper of all brands. Cheers! The G & T to my surprise seems good, not great or marvelous. Accessible and smooth, it has won people over and endures despite never being quite afforded the same esteem (by gin and cocktail experts at least) that enduring favorites like Bombay Sapphire, Beefeater, Tanqueray, or Gordons have. All gins have Juniper as a botanical. Its aroma is citrus-forward but not to the exclusion of other touches. And, as any pollen-allergy sufferers will attest, allergies suck. . Juniper is a type of aromatic "fruit" that grows along the branches . Ben I completely understand. July 26, 2015 at 5:58 pm . These little seed cones are much more woodsy or pine flavored which is what gives gin its distinct flavor characteristics. I really enjoy this gin. US. Should have followed my instinct when I read modern American Gin. Im 30, somewhat inexperienced with the stuff and new tangueray was decent (as per Snoop Dogg). Total garbage. -Juniper berries are extremely small it takes about 16 pounds of them to make one gallon of gin. The profile of Gordons is rather spicy, with minty undertones to the licorice and juniper flavors. . No. New Am is the first and only citrus gin Ive ever tasted, and instantly became my favorite. I wish Id read the reviews before purchasing this gin. It tastes like someone dropped some orange oil into some cheap vodka. This gin is perfect for a Negroni. While higher proof gins do tend to have a bit more in this regard, Stratusphere Gin has more harshness on the nose than peers at this ABV. New Amsterdam also won the Bloody Mary experiment. In particular, juniper berries have 87 distinct antioxidant compounds, according to one chemical assessment. Tried it for the first time today. Its accessible, but the fake citrus is what helps it read more as a citrus-flavored-vodka than a citrus-flavored-gin. Pour into an airtight container and let it sit overnight. The exact recipe of this gin is a secret and only 12 people know it, but we can pick up hints of fresh citruses and juniper. Like 'Blue Star', it appreciates a little more water than other junipers. The juniper is there, but it is subtle, which isnt easy for such a distinctive and dominant berry. I like it. Step 3: Seal and shake the bottle, then store it on the counter for 48 hours. The People's Pharmacy recommends Gordon's London Dry gin as one of the least expensive brands made with real . )), Im not very experienced with gin but I definitely agree with this review. Easy Instant Pot Juniper Syrup with Rosemary and Orange for Coffee or Cocktails. Credit: Washingtonian. Its owned by EJ Gallo though, so its not a big surprise. I like the fact that it doesnt stampede the palate with a ten foot juniper. Has an ABV of 20-30%. The citrus is kind of fake/bad tasting. have been used to flavor gin, a liquor developed in the 17th century in the Netherlands. Other -flavored alcoholic beverages include the Finnish rye-and- beer made from the and branches. not sure this is actually gin. Dry and sweet gins from a base of grain ( wheat or barley ) Stratusphere gin is crafted with,. Berries in the third and last week of our holiday in does new amsterdam gin have juniper berries that & # ;... Old school London Dry gins Netherlands it derives its predominant flavour from sugar, plymouth a. Cones are much more woodsy or pine flavored which is what gives gin its distinct flavor characteristics plymouth 7... An incredibly healthy fruit that carry a multitude of medicinal benefits flavor not sure I. 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