All kids are embarrassed by their parents, but this story from "scoutyfreeman" is sure to mortify the poor boy for life: "Told girl at anatomy scan (19 weeks). All good, then we went for our 20 week US. "Had my level two ultrasound today. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. After the gender reveal, the picture that the tech used to identify girl parts was NOT clear at all so I researched what girl parts look like on an ultrasound and when I went back at 22 weeks, I had the tech show me again and it looked just like a girl with the three lines. With my first child they told me 4 times that I was having a girl so I had 2 baby showers and requested that everything be pink. So I'm thinking that the 'boy' prediction at the 20 week scan is probably most accurate. congratulations :) hope you havent gone overboard on pink! I was told with my first born I was going to have a girl and so my husband and I got everything imaginable for a little girl then, maybe a month before my "due date" they did another ultrasound and bam! Quite clear Baby Isabelle due 17/09/2014 BFP 06/01/2014 TTC 9 years. Im sorry OP. You'd think that surely, by 24 weeks, the baby's private parts would be clear enough to determine the gender and yet, the complete opposite happened to "Kristy": "We had 2 ultrasounds - 1 at 18 and 1 at 24 weeks and the tech both times said that it was a girl. . Kyle and Danielle Williams of Belleville, Michigan, were shocked themselves when the newborn they were told would be their second daughter turned out to be their first son. Yet, Andrea from Momfessionals, was chill as a cucumber. In May 2013 we went to my 20-week ultrasound. Had to had follow up scan at 32 weeks - it was a boy. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. Sometimes it can look like a girl but actually just have smaller/swollen boy parts. So did you actually do the NIPT test in a lab or was this just sneak peek? i had an elective gender ultrasound at 16 weeks and was told a girl, then at anatomy u/s at 20 weeks said it was a girlbut i always have this little 'what if" thought because both times they said "i think its a girl" the first one took about 5 minutes to get a shot but after that she got like 5 saying it was a girl and the anatomy one she just said i think its a girl but she didnt sound TOO confident. Sneak peak has two options at home or lab which is sneak peak clinical. Met with my OB this week for my 22 week check up and she did not get an ultrasound image of the gender nor did the report include that they told us it was a girl. Eileen's story serves as a great reminder that sometimes mothers "just know": "OMG. This means 10 out of 100 women will be told the wrong gender at their ultrasound! Positive part is Bub looks all healthy! Pic clearly looked like a boy and 20 week scan was clearly a girl. The tech will tell me if I wanted to know (which I did) but the measurements and pics sent to my midwife is the important stuff - the heart, spine, kidneys, etc. The fact that the tech herself said she wasn't certain would make me a little cautious. I had a NIPT done at 12 weeks and the gender came back as boy. I have since had 5 more ultrasounds and they have . It. x. Steffi_AJ at our 20 week scan were told and showed the exact same (three lines) and they labeled the image as 'gender' on the ultrasound. And for what it's worth, my son was the 8th wrong gender by ultrasound that week born in that hospital alone.". She was still a she lol. It doesnt help that I have had all the old wives tales signs for a boy and none for a girl aside an HR in the 140s. Create an account or log in to participate. Im 22 & 25 weeks. It's a small chance but it happened xx First pic 16 week scan 2nd 20 week scan. Most future mommies going in for their gender reveal ultrasound are a ball of nerves. Around 20 weeks pregnant, you'll most likely have the most-anticipated screening you'll get during pregnancy. We even saw where in the image the girl bits were supposed to be. Did the tech happen to show you the money shot? They dont tell you what the fetal fraction was but it says that your sample met the minimal threshold. The only place to satisfy all of your guilty pleasures. My Baby Gave His Heart to Another Child in Need. We casually chatted as she began her measurements, starting at the head and working her way down. Since then I've had a couple of dreams of a boy but the last three nights I've . 26/10/2009 15:48. The ultrasound that had predicted the gender months earlier was wrong very wrong. Haha sorry im board hopping but just had to comment lol my parents were told i was a boy then i was born a girl lol, Yeah it's pretty common! The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. When the ultrasound is done after 18 weeks, there is a very high accuracy rate, which ranges from 80 to 99 percent. Ah ok. And so, as our 20-week ultrasound appointment rolled around, I told myself that I didn't care if it was a boy or a girlexcept deep down, I did care. Ask for FREE. We clearly saw three lines indicating girl and there was nothing dangling. Hi girls, so in total shock right now! I'm a FTM, and I ordered the Sneak Peek gender test when I was around 7 weeks and gave my blood sample when I was 8 weeks (the earliest you can do it) and the results showed XX chromosome, a girl. Meet other parents of January 2021 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. My midwife told me that sex is not included in the info given by the ultrasound to the midwife. Not sure if that is everywhere. Learn more about. We have been speaking to the baby by her name and have had girl clothes donated to us and we already want to start buying girl items from our registry. It's rare for them to get it wrong but it does happen. 20w Ultrasound Confirmed Sneak Peek. Enlarged echogenic fetal kidneys!!! First let me say EVERYTHING IS WRONG! Baby kept her legs crossed the whole time! My first thought was 'Very funny doc'. 3 Flip Flop. We had bought a lot of pink outfits but all are in bag with tags and receipts still on them. im thinking of just doing one more in a couple weeks to see lolotherwise if its a boy his first year of life will be very pink haha. Shock of a lifetime, wouldn't you say? Morning. Packing a hospital bag is hard enough, but for Sophie's friend, the task ended up being a complete disaster when she gave birth to a baby boy, instead of the much-planned for baby girl: "They can be wrong---A girlfriend of mine had seen 2 different doctors with 2 different ultrasounds stating she was having a girl and she had a pink baby shower, called the tummy by the name she had chosen and when she delivered it was a boy!! All I could say was there's a bit of a surprise.. Regional anesthesia for hysteroscopy experiences please, Symptmes de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement. Blood test said girl, us said boyit ended up being a boy for them- but who knows! We only had a girl name picked and now 5 days before we are to deliver we have to get new clothes and figure out a name [] We wasted a lot of money on clothes that we for a girl. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. When she heard 'it's a girl!' NIPT would be in a lab and that I am assuming would be accurate. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. That's so good that bub looks healthy and you are managing your GD well! Kyle Williams, who had been up for 24 hours during his wife's labor, still remembers the moment he first saw the baby as he looked over the drapes. This can actually happen at any gestational age, making a clear image pretty important if you plan to buy non-neutral gender baby goods. I havent spoken to my doctor about it yet. Hi girls, so in total shock right now! Or is it? Ask Your Question Fast! Also it is pretty depressing when for that long we focused and planned on a girl. I am part of the other 5%. No round bulb on nub girl or boy Genital bulb at 11 week ultrasound . Im having another boy. I wonder what the false positive rate is on sneak peek? I have heard of it happening before, but not recently. I can still remember the excitement I felt as I lay on the bed with goo all over my just-about-to-pop pregnant belly at my 20-week ultrasound. Fantastic news that bub is healthy and that your GD is under control. popping in from another group- I was told they don't include gender info on the report. Have gd so had to have scan at 32 weeks. All rights reserved. Up to 10 women out of 100 will get told that they're having a certain gender, only to have a kind of jack-in-the-box surprise at the end. Now that's some next level skills. Tech said "they told you it was a girl, right?". 1. Lost. Had a 2nd scan at 28 weeks and asked the sex, was shown a "burger bun" and told a girl! My doctor was right and I was for sure only 14 weeks so it may be a boy! We are super excited and happy to hear baby is healthy. Interestingly, this theory proved to be correct for me, as it did for "Kari": "At my first ultrasound, I was told I was having a boy. Despite these percentages, there are stories upon stories on the web of women getting told that their baby would either be a boy or a girl, only to discover the opposite a couple of weeks later or even at birth. I guess the silver lining here is that they at least had a full two weeks to re-prepare and were hopefully able to either return or sell some of the pink baby clothes. Just to make the transition a bit easier, her parents gave her a baby girl doll in the hospital room and named her Charlee, they name they picked out for her sister. NIPT is more accurate than an ultrasound at any point during pregnancy so I'd be really surprised if it was wrong! We asked Dr. Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at . Anyway she was told at 20 wk scan its a girl. It's not always right, says Professor Lees. I think that emotional and mental strain is a lot more than if we had waited to find out on the baby's delivery date.". The earlier your pregnancy is, the less likely you will get an accurate determination on the boy or girl ultrasound. This can make getting the wrong gender prediction double the headache, as evidenced by "Elena", whose main request had been that everything be pink: "Yes it's true that they can be wrong. I recently had a patient who was expecting a boy. Intelligender said boy (twice!). Arguably, kids are pretty bright these days, but you never know when it might work! An the only sure fire way to know is either genetic testing, or when they pop out. All rights reserved. She and her husband had a name picked out and had painted the nursery for a boy when they found out shortly before giving birth that they actually were having a daughter. . All rights reserved. I knew I shouldn't care, that I should be grateful for a healthy baby. According to The Bump, ultrasounds at 20 weeks gestation are 95% accurate in determining the gender of the baby. It's the Level 2 full-body anatomy scan, which is part of the second-trimester battery of screens, as well as an amazing opportunity to look at your baby. What do you guys think? The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. . 4 months can't stay awake more than 1.5 hours. When I was pregnant with DS we only had the 20 week ultrasound. The nurse was so surprised that I had been told by 5 scans and 2 different doctors that I was having a girl! : So I had my 20 week scan 3 weeks ago then a gender reveal on weekend. January 2012. My baby girl is in the 5%, weighing 12 oz at 21 weeks and measuring a little over a week behind. Mthomas, go for 3D :) I got to see his junk up close. A 20-week ultrasound, sometimes called an anatomy scan or anomaly scan, is a prenatal ultrasound performed between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. My friend was told she was having a boy, she had a name and everything. 29 other ways to tell if it's boy or girl; How accurate is the 3 lines ultrasound method? I knew I wasn't having a girl. She had a late ultrasound at 8months, and they found out it was a girl. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. What does your gut say. It's scary because I'm going to the same hospital for check ups! We talked about that sweet little profile, the cheeks, etc. I got sent home with a cd with about 7 pics on it, monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2". We too had a shower and everyone got girl stuff for her. While gender prediction is much more accurate during the 20-week ultrasound, there's still a chance it can be wrong. Waiting until you are closer to 20 weeks usually gives you an accuracy rating of over 94 percent. My only worry is if we werre to have a boy, we went a tad overboard with pink. Sparkles1977 21/03/18. we also wanted to find out the gender tech said last week that our babes wasn't fully cooperating but it looks like a girl OR the boy could just have a very small penis (my husband took offfense to that hahah) so today, i went to my 2nd ultrasound to finish up the measurements and the tech also said it looked like a girl, paused, and then said that she can't be "100%sure" cuz again apparently the babes wasn't cooperating and that the cord was in between its legs. This happened to me last pregnancy 6 years ago. It's definitely a boy! A friend of mine was told girl at several scans . My husbands cousin was told she was having a girl at the 20 week ultrasound, painted the nursery pink, and had a name picked out. I know the chances are slim to none. But since ultrasounds aren't 100% accurate just yet, it might be a good idea to tone it down on going full blue or full pink with your purchases, a lesson that Samantha's sister learned the hard way: "This happened with my nephew. Your healthcare provider will use a 2D, 3D or even 4D . Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Stories of wrong ultrasounds are plentiful on baby boards, but it's this shocking tale that's truly unique. How early the gender screening is performed, the baby's cooperation, and the expertise of the tech are all tremendously important. I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound at 26 weeks and I will ask the tech to show me again. Jan. 29, 2013, 6:48 AM PST. To my cousin!, the baby was a girl till the 8 month, then It was a boy!! We spent the next 5 minutes double, triple and quadruple checking.". My intuition has said girl the entire pregnancy as well. I still get a feeling sometimes its a boy. Ask for FREE. And the vast majority of pregnant women laying in the chair, waiting to find out the gender, will indeed get the correct answer. Chinese calendar said boy. We already have two girls, was told at 19 weeks it was another girl. Determine baby's sex. Perhaps your OB wrote it down wrong. We are half girly and half neutral so if there is a surprise wed have to rebuy half lol xx, Can you ask them to give you the picture of the potty shot? If you have ever wondered whether it's possible to be told the wrong gender around the 20-week ultrasound, now you know! Percent. Do you have the ultrasound pic where they told you girl? This is exactly what happened to "Amy": "I've had them be wrong at 20w. There they told us it was a girl. Age (months) CDC Growth Charts: United States lb 95th 90th 75th 50th 25th 10th 5th 3rd Birth 36 912 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 lb lb 20 26 32 34 38 36 30 28 24 22 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 40 lb 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 22. We were in the 22nd week. She's DEFINITELY a girl", I lost it. 13/05/2020 14:39. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Help please!! Its the stories of the unlucky few who serve as a great reminder that even though we have made great technological advances in the past century, we still have a long way to go. Today I had my 20 week scan and the sonographer (didn't know about my NIPT results) announced . . You'd think that surely, by 24 weeks, the baby's private parts would be clear enough to determine the gender and yet, the complete opposite happened to "Kristy": "We had 2 ultrasounds - 1 at 18 and 1 at 24 weeks and the tech both times said that it was a girl. I'll be having a scan next week to check my placenta and a few other issues. I had an elective ultrasound done to confirm gender and the tech said 100% girl. Unfortunately, we had several gifts which my wife in particular is loathe to get rid of. Ever happen to you or anyone you know??? Follow A. Pawlowski on Google+ and Twitter. There they told us it was a girl. Before I got pregnant, I told myself I didn't care if I had a boy or girl. We are super excited and happy to hear baby is healthy. . Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Sources:,,,,,, These are unavoidable as someone somewhere is bound to bring one of them up. Oh man, this is really making me think I should go get an elective ultrasound. There are two ways a girl can be mistaken for a boy in early ultrasound photos. I don't know what to think! The ultrasound tech or doctor sees an umbilical cord between the legs and mistakes it for male genitalia. We had an elective ultrasound at 16 weeks to see if they could determine the sex yet. It was so sweet to see his heart, legs, brain, & all of his little. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Were you able to see the actual results page from the company that processed your test? We tested at 10 weeks NIPT and the results came back girl. What did you see? 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. first off, i'm 22 weeks pregnant and sounds like all is well and the babes is healthy! NIPT test said girl but 20 week ultrasound shows boy?!!! It's a factthat ultrasounds can be wrong up to 10% of the time. In truth, ultrasounds have an accuracy rate of 90-95%, with some studies even putting forward a 98% accuracy rate. CrochetandWine 4 yr. ago. The first is simple. Thank goodness this mommy learned from her first experience- besides gender neutral colors are just as adorable on any baby! i had my anatomy scan last week but they couldn't get all the measurements so they had me come back today. Let us know what happens . Hi girls, thanks for sharing ur stories! If NIPT, what company did your OB go through? !, and is still a boy! Pregnancy is a wonderful and magical moment in any woman's life. Posted 19/1/16. Ever try to argue with any medical professional? Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. can occur to even to the most frugal of mommies. Intuition said boy. I went in for my ultrasound at 17 weeks and 6 days. That US does look like a girl.but the NIPT should be more accurate. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Most hospitals just say "looks like" and not "100%" as they can be wrong. Spoon, knife and pillow said boy. It said forward to yesterday I went in for my 20 week sonogram and the tech asked me if I knew what I was having..I told her boy & she said how accurate is the testing you did because it looks like a girl to me so Im kinda freaking out. All my family thinks Im having a boy because of the NIPT test! If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. And the babes is healthy I lost it mistaken for a boy we. Go for 3D: ) hope you havent gone overboard on pink pregnancy and baby growth, A tad overboard with pink de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement earlier was very... 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